Someone's Worst Week is another's Best 7 Days- Chapter 14

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You: You know you don't have to start every title with 'someone', right?

Yeah but I really don't wanna break the cycle.

You: Whatever let's get to the story already it's more important than this useless conversation.

You know we have these conversations to see if other people are annoyed with the same things that are bothering you, right?

You: No I did not know that.

So you're telling me that this whole time you've been criticising me for the sake of insults?

You: Can we get to the plot, please? You know, the reason people read this. Because the title is what lead them here?

Day 1:

Lachlan: I'm gonna go talk to Marcus.

You: Remember, you have 168 hours.

Lachlan: Did you seriously count that in your head?

You: No, the author used the calculator app on his phone. Dang it, I should really stop.

Lachlan: Yeah dude, you're going overboard.

You: Actually, it doesn't matter because as long as the plot progresses well enough, the 4th wall breaking won't bother anyone.

Lachlan: It wouldn't bother anyone in the Marvel fics, because Deadpool is usually added in in the dumbest ways possible.

You: Him walking into a situation is not dumb, it's normal. Now please carry on with the plot, we don't need to make this chapter 2,000 words long.

Ilsa: I'm back.

You: You took 20 minutes in the toilet.

Ilsa: Because-

You: Because the author forgot about you last time so he gave a bathroom break excuse.

Ilsa: Because I'm on my period. You know, I don't hate you.

You: But we both hate Elliot.

Elliot: Can I talk to you too?

You: Stay away from me you chubby overrated internet video game entertainer.

Elliot: That's hurtful.

You: You know what else is more hurtful? Kicks to the face. Want a taste of your own medicine?

Elliot: No thank you I prefer cough syrup.

You: What a lame way to say you like alcohol.

Elliot: Look, can we forget about everything? I shouldn't have blamed you for the whole "sex with Lannan" thing. And Ilsa, when he broke up with you I didn't know he had feelings for me. When I came to your house I thought it was because you had insulted  him big time and I wanted to know why. And yes I had feelings for him when both of you were together but I wasn't going to do anything about it.

Ilsa: Whatever, I can't stay mad at you forever.

You: caved in easily. Let me remind you I literally went crazy, CRAZY crazy. You've got Ilsa, I've got Lannan...hopefully.

Elliot: I will make it up to you.

You: Right, we'll see about that.

Lachlan: Marcus? We need to talk.

Marcus: Too bad. I was hoping we could do something else.

Lachlan: Before you lick your lips, use them to communicate with me. What is this, exactly? Am I your boy toy? Because I'm not just attracted to you; I have genuine romantic feelings.

Someone Else: Muselk x Lazarbeam...x Male Reader (2/3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz