Do you think the phantom is real?

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(Y/n): POV:

As the days go by, I noticed that other students have been talking about the phantom AKA me.

Some think I'm real and others believe I'm not.

A nother thing that's been happening, is that Jaunes being bullied by Cardin.

As much as I would like to take the easy way out and stop Cardin as Joker, I can't.

It would be to obvious that the "phantom" is a Beacon student if I stole Cardins distorted desires.


(Y/n):(mind) What should I do?

School has ended today and I made my way to the roof to think.

(Y/n):(mind) I should go out and see if I could find any leads on Torchwick.

(Y/n):(mind) But Makoto always makes us do are homework right when we get back to our dorm and if I left before she could make me, I would definitely get punched when I got back.

I make it to the roof.

(Y/n):(mind) My best bet is to go on the weekend or finish my homework during class.

I looked around and noticed Jaune was also on the roof.

(Y/n): Jaune? What are you doing here?

Jaune: Hey (Y/n). I'm.... Just thinking.

(Y/n): Is something wrong?

Jaune: It's nothing.

(Y/n): Just tell me what's wrong. You'll feel a lot better if you just tell me, or at least someone. Trust me.

Jaune:........ Fine.

Jaune: Cardin found out about something bad I did and is making me do his work for him.

Jaune: And I got mad at Pyrrha for trying to help me....

(Y/n): Why did you get mad at her because of that?

Jaune: I don't know, I was stressed and I always wanted to be the hero not the damsel in distress.

(Y/n): If you don't want to be the damsel in distress, the train and get better. There's nothing wrong with getting help.

Jaune: I guess you're right. But what should I do?

(Y/n): Apologise to Pyrrha and stand up to Cardin.

Jaune: But what if he reveals my secret?

(Y/n): What's more important? Doing the right thing or protecting your secret.

Jaune: ........ I understand.

Jaune: I wish the phantom could just do that thing they do and do it to Cardin.

(Y/n): I'm pretty sure they have bigger fish to fry.

(Y/n): How would they even know about Cardin?

I looked at the time on my scroll.

(Y/n): It's getting late, I'll see you tomorrow. I hope you do the right thing.

I leave and head to bed.

Today me, my team and the rest of the class went to the Forever falls to collect some sap for miss Peach with Glynda.

Glynda: (to the group) Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

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