The infamous Phantom thief

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(Y/n): POV:

I was in class taking notes.

I had left the task of giving the diamond that we took from our last targets distortion.

He's supposed to give it to the twin wardens, like all the other treasure's we stole. Luckily they pay us a bit of money. Where they get the money, I don't know.

As the teacher was talking about something, I was thinking about who's going to be next.

(Y/n):(mind) Besides Roman Torchwick, I don't really know who to target.

(Y/n):(mind) To make it worse, I'm still no closer to get that damn council members treasure...

Haru:(whispering) Are you okay?

(Y/n): huh?

Haru:(whispering) You look upset.

(Y/n):(whispering) It's nothing. I just got bored and let my mind wonder. Thanks for asking.

We continued to pay attention to the teacher.

(Meanwhile with Morgana)

Justine: Give us the treasure!

Morgana: But it's Sooooo shine~

Carolin: We cannot pay you if you don't give us the treasure.

Justine: That stupid inmate! Thinking he could just let us deal with the cats stupid obsession!

Morgana: I'm not a cat!

Igor:(sips tea)

Igor:(smirks) I made the right choice in chosing him. He he he....

(Play Op)

(Y/n): POV:

I was in the cafeteria getting myself something to eat.

Ann: Hey, (Y/n)!

I looked twords where Ann was calling for me.

Ann: Come sit with us!

I walked over twords the table where my team was. There I saw two other teams, team RWBY and JNPR.

I sit down at the end of the table where the last free seat was.

Ann: (Y/n), meet our new friends, team RWBY and JNPR.

(Y/n): H-hello.

I smiled nervously to keep up my act.

Jaune: The names Jaune, nice to meet you.

Jaune: The names Jaune, nice to meet you

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