"Well they're studying, I gave up about halfway," Obito comments gleaming up at our sensei making him shake his head with a light chuckle. "Well, I can't say I am surprised." Our blonde sensei mumbled taking a seat on the pigmented grass.

There was silence for a moment other than the sound of the pages turning and singing birds. "Minato-sensei?" the Uchiha spoke looking over at the older man that had joined him in laying in the grass on the other end of Rin and I that were still studying, but we stopped and looked at Minato-sensei when Obito had asked his question as we wanted an answer to it as well.

"Why did you choose us to do the exams this year?"

"Well, for one..." Minato-sensei started looking over each one of us with his eyes filled with certainty. "you are all very strong and hold big dreams." I looked down at the last part pretending to read, but none of the words reached my brain as I was stuck on the thought of dreams.

"I wonder what it is like to have a dream." Was something that stuck in my head. "It must be nice to be sure of what you want. Well to be able to want something is one of the things that I would like to have."

My mind was preoccupied with these thoughts that I was taken off guard by the newly silver figure that was sat next to me, my head whipped around to the figure giving me whiplash.

And there he sat, my grey-silver haired companion. "Kakashi? When did you get here?" You asked pinting6 at him with certainly the most confused look you had ever had making him chuckle a bit. "Were you daydreaming or something?" he asked leaning closer to me and that had me rapidly blushing and looking around, avoiding eye contact with the ninja next to me.

"Y...yes I w...was." I stuttered out flustered for some odd reason that I couldn't comprehend, but in any case I shuffled a bit away from the anti-gravity haired shinobi so I could focus on keeping myself in control or else I might faint. Ever since that time at his place where I had kissed his cheek, my cheeks would burn a bright red depending on the distance he was from me. Like at this moment my cheeks were a very vibrant red. My heart would skip a beat when he would just look at me and it would smile when I would see the masked smile he would make after I said something stupid or made a joke.

"S...So are y...you ready f...for the e...exam, Kakashi?" I stuttered once more as I cursed at myself mentally for being like this. "What is with the stuttering?" Obito asked as he sat up and leaned forward into my personal bubble just like Kakashi and once more my cheeks burned an even bright red. I was at the brink of passing out from embarrassment when Rin saved me by pulling the Uchiha out of my bubble, giving me time to release a nervous breath. "I d..don't kn...know what y...you're t..talking about." I stuttered once more and continued with reading the words on the page. All eyes were on me making me nervous, but I kept acting as if I didn't realize this and continued on until their eyes all left me alone.

Mindless chatter filled the air as Minato-sensei, Obito and Rin talked. I don't know what Kakashi was doing and I for one will not look as I might end up blushing again so I kept reading the storybook that I had switched out with my textbook tired of studying, but still not wanting to join the conversation.

I felt a sudden urge to take a glance in Kakashi's direction but fought against it as I knew someone would catch me, but after another page of not concentrating on the story, I took a quick side glance at the shinobi finding him leaning against the tree looking out at the sky. He was playing with a long piece of grass, one of those you can put in your mouth as the fluffy like seeds tickle your nose when it's not long enough to hang loosely out of your mouth.

He sat calmly, absorbed in his own world. He must have sensed my staring and looked back directly at me, I yelped and stumbled back to my book, I heard a soft chuckle barely audible, but it was there. In my peripheral vision I saw him looking back to the sky with his mask outlining a small cheeky smile and that gave me a small pink cheeks smile.

We all sat like this for a while, the sky slowly starting to change into the beautiful twilight colors. I closed my book and started packing up my things, "It's getting late, so I better get home." I didn't stutter as I shoved my bag onto my shoulders before waving goodbye to my friends and walking off, but soon found myself joined by a figure.

I turned my head a bit to find, my purple striped female friend next to me. She walked with her head facing forward not saying anything, but something obviously bothered her.

"Something on your mind, Rin?" I asked after a while of silence realizing she won't speak anytime soon.

"When did you start liking Kakashi?" she suddenly asked making me come to a halt she soon followed when she saw me stop.

"W...what?" I stuttered out trying to gather myself once more. "Hira, I can see it in the way you act. You become shy and stuttery when you are near Kakashi. But it did start one random day, so when and why?" I blushed looking down. My feet suddenly my focus point. "I didn't even realize that I liked him, didn't even know that this how it feels to like someone." I started and looked up at my best friend, she had become my first ever female friend that didn't judge me on the way I looked nor did she try and mess with me in the most horrible ways and now knowing I had started to like her crush had me heartbroken, because I didn't want this. "I am sorry, Rin, I know how much you like him and I... I didn't want to... It just happened when we got back from the mission, I had a hard time coping with what I had Minato-sensei had told us so I went to the training field. I don't know if he followed me there or just found me there, because he held me as I sobbed even carried me to his house when I passed out. I left when I woke up, but I guess just having someone there during that time, just having someone in general can make it hard not to feel attracted to them." I didn't realize that a tear had left my watery eyes...

"I am so sorry, Rin." I apologized once more, "I can't tell you how bad I feel for doing this to you after all the kind and generous things you did for me and most importantly you had become my dearest friend." I was full-on crying at the moment, but she hugged me and rubbed my back. "I don't deserve a friend like you." I mumbled out as I hugged her, "But I am grateful for you." I didn't realize that Rin and I were both silently crying into the hug.

"I understand, Hira." she finally spoke as she pulled back a bit as both her hands were on my shoulder. "I understand why you like him, but I think we both need to promise not to fight over a boy." She said as one of her hands slipped down from my shoulder and was held before me with a pinky raised. "Pinky promise? " she asked and I nodded wrapping my pinky around hers, "Pinky promise." we both grinned at each other and hugged.

Before we went our separate ways we wiped our tears away and gave each other another a smile and a wave.

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