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The next morning, when Luce arrived at his office, there was a letter waiting for him on his desk. Luce knew it was coming, it came on this date every year without fail. Only this year was the first year he was actually excited about it.

All day Luce thought about the letter. He couldn't wait to go home and tell Thea about it. Would she be excited? Would she even want to go? Luce knew Thea well, but only in their home. People are often different in places they trust around people they trust. He had only ever seen her in a social situation a few times, during her final decision and with Mikayla.

He was also nervous. This would be his first time introducing his mate to the rest of the world. He hoped it wouldn't be too intimidating for her. From what she had told him, she had lived a pretty solitary life, she only ever had a few friends, school and then work were her main focuses, and she enjoyed being alone. He wondered how she would react to some of the most powerful beings there are all in one room.

That night when he got home, Thea greeted him with a hug. Tonight she had made dinner. She had been reading a lot of recipe books lately and had wanted to try making one. It wasn't too fancy, a homemade pesto with some garlic bread, but she was proud of it and was hopeful that Luce would like it. He had always cooked for her and she wanted to do something nice for him for once.

While they ate, Luce put the letter on the table. "What is this?" Thea asked him, feeling confused.

"Open it," he said to her, smiling.

Thea took the letter and quickly peeled off the burgundy wax seal, opening the envelope. The paper was thick, almost like it was a few pages stuck together, and it was a nice beige color, similar to that of tea stained pages her students would occasionally turn in, although she could tell that this was due to the age and quality of paper. She unfolded the letter and started to read,

"Dearest Lucifer and Theodora,

I hope things are going well over there in Hell. I am writing to officially invite you to my annual birthday bash. Unlike last year, this year's theme will be black tie. Father was too upset after last years theme that he insisted that it be something 'fitting' for someone of my position. Ugh, oh well. I look forward to seeing you both!

Your Loving Brother, Jonathan"

Thea looked at Luce a bit startled. "A party?" She asked him feeling nervous.

"Yes, a party. Do you not want to go?" He asked her feeling nervous to what her answer would be.

"Of course I want to go, but I don't have anything to wear. Jonathan said it was black tie and I don't have anything for that!"

"Don't you worry my little muffin, everything is taken care of," Luce said smiling at her, happy that was her only concern.

"When is it?" Thea asked him. The letter did not state the date or the time of the party, but Luce knew exactly when it was taking place. It was the same day and time its been every year for the past 2,000 years.

"It's in a week," Luce said. To him, that week could not come soon enough. A few weeks ago, during a dull moment at the office, he had called one of his friends that was a seamstress in heaven. She was so excited that he was calling her to make Thea's dress that once Luce had asked her, she hung up and started working immediately. Just yesterday, she had sent him a picture of the dress. The only way Luce could describe it was greater than all of Heaven itself.

That night they both went to bed buzzing with so much excitement that Cobra was feeling it.

The week went by faster than Thea ever thought a week could go. She had spent most of her time trying to weasel out of Luce any shred of information about her dress. The only thing she had gotten out of him was that it was a deep forest green, and it had been one of the most difficult things she had ever done. She had waited until he was asleep and then quickly woke him up. When he grumbled a sleepily what, she had quickly asked him what color the dress was. Because he was only half awake he answered her and then fallen back asleep. The next morning though, Thea had gotten a stern talking to, except she didn't take it seriously because Luce had a slight grin on his face the whole time.

The morning of the party, Luce slept in. Thea knew he wasn't working that day because of the party that night. She got out of bed and decided to make breakfast. Luce always cooked for her, so she thought it would be nice if she cooked for him. She quickly got to work making some fried eggs, roasted potatoes, and some sausage. After about 20 minutes Luce came downstairs into the kitchen, his hair sticking up in random places and a "just woken up" look in his eyes. Thea was starstruck. She never understood how he could look... so good.

They ate, put on some casual clothes and took Cobra out for a walk. Thea had been in Hell for a while now, but she hadn't seen much. Luce made her promise that she wouldn't leave the house without him, and after the incident with the soul, she was more than happy to oblige. Hell was not all Thea had imagined it to be, it was very hot and very red. There was no demons running around with pitchforks and screaming. Thea had a sneaking suspicion that Luce took her to the tame part of Hell though, for which she appreciated.

Once they were done with their walk they returned home. The two didn't do much then, they loafed around the house doing various chores, playing with Cobra, watching movies, doing everything and nothing at all. Soon though it was 4 pm and Mikayla was knocking at their door. Luce let her in and she quickly dragged Thea upstairs and shoved her into the shower. Thea did not like being pushed around, but she knew that Mikayla was only doing it because she cared and that was ok with Thea. Once she was out of the shower and dry, Mikayla started on her makeup. It was a simple look, a little bit of mascara, blush, highlighter and a thin layer of a neutral lip gloss. Thea thought she looked like a fairy. Mikayla then started on the tangle of her hair. It was put into a delicate French braid down the center of her head with white daisies woven throughout. Thea was surprised at how beautiful she looked. Many people had told her she was beautiful throughout her life, but she hadn't believed it, until now that is.

Then it was time to get into the dress. Mikayla brought out the garment bag. She slowly unzipped it and pulled the dress out. Thea almost let out an audible gasp. The dress was stunning. Just as Luce had said, it was a deep emerald green, so green that it looked as if he had stolen the color from the evergreen trees that were all around in Washington and put it into the dress. It was a wrap around dress that Thea knew would show off her figure beautifully. With Mikayla's help she put the dress on and was amazed at how ethereal she looked. Her normally average features looked delicate, as if they belonged to someone other than her. She was soon handed a pair of nude colored heels and quickly put them on.

Mikayla ushered her out of the bedroom to the living room where Luce was waiting for her. If Thea thought that she looked ethereal, Lucifer looked other-worldly. His shirt was made of the same material and of the same color as Thea's dress. It complimented his dark complexion perfectly. His usually unruly curls that Thea loved were just as wild as ever, but it looked as if he had tried to tame them a bit. His dress pants fit his muscular frame perfectly. Thea couldn't believe that this man was hers. They spent a few minutes just admiring each other until, hand in hand, they left the house and got into the car.

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