Chapter 2. A Murderer In The Family

Start from the beginning

"So why didn't he!? I was blacked out. He could have stabbed me." I told him confused.

"I have no idea. The cops were just on patrol and they saw blood on the door. They went up to the house and saw your dad covering his face with his hands weeping on the ground. And they saw a flash of light before they could fully get inside. It was probably a faulty light or something." He answered and for a moment I saw a  look flash over his face, like he knew there was more to it than that. "Anyways, they captured him and took you and your sister to the hospital.".

I knew he was hiding something, I just didn't know what.Suddenly, I felt very tired and I decided to sleep for a bit. I drifted into a dream. It was the exact same dream I had at school. I was on the pedestal in the middle of the ocean again. And I was surrounded by the same mist and fog. I could barely see the pedestal I was standing on. Then suddenly out of the fog came the black cloaked figure with a giant scythe in it's left hand and a scroll in it's right.

It was just floating there in mid-air like some kind of ghost. I knew this time I couldn't jump, but I was scared as ever. This time I climbed onto the pillar's straight, wet surface and started sliding down it like a fire escape pole. I saw the creepy cloaked thing following me as I went down. For the last few feet I let go and dropped into the water. It didn't hurt this time, but I still lacked air so I swam up to the top and caught a breath of air. Suddenly, the thing appeared in front of me and I took a huge breath and dove under. I could see everything under the water and what I did see made me very scared. I may have peed myself.

If you are like me and you had never seen what is in the ocean then let me tell you, it isn't pretty. There were fish that looked like they could eat a cruise ship and it would be a small snack. There were squid and octopuses that were as big as a skyscraper. As I went deeper, there were prehistoric fish that looked 10 times as scary as the ones above. There were giant, spiky sharks and huge, lizard like turtles.

I didn't have enough air to go back up, but maybe I could just wake up and I wouldn't have this dream again. Honestly though, this dream was almost better than the real world. I sighed and all the air left my lungs as I drowned. I woke up and saw the doctor in my room. He looked concerned and was quietly sipping coffee while doing something on his phone.

I sat up and he flicked his head up quickly to look at me. He narrowed his eyes.

"You know, you slept for way longer than a normal kid. I monitored your brain activity, you had minimum to none during a few seconds before you woke. Before that, your brain was highly active. It was like your brain was having a heart attack. It's not physically possible to have your brain go from that amount of activity to none in 7 seconds. So tell me kid, what were you dreaming about?" He asked suspiciously.

For a few minutes i wondered why this doctor didn't use medical terms or seem to be trying to help me in any way. Either way i wasn't about to tell him anything. I didn't trust this guy any farther than i could throw him. Which, my nerdy noodle arms would collapse in the process of.

"I-I have zero idea sir, All I saw was blackness for a bit, then I woke up." I replied trying to hide the guilt of lying.

He glared at me, then got up and left the room. A while later a nurse came in and told me I was clear to go home, but I had to keep my arm in a cast. I looked at the calendar as I was leaving and I was surprised to see I had been asleep for 4 days and now it was Saturday morning. I shrugged and walked out the door to the police car that was taking me home. The doctor had told me my sister had to stay for a few weeks to recover. I was going to be home alone. I bet you all have been wondering were my mom was during all this. Well, she was on vacation to the edge of the Bermuda Triangle to try to "survive" for her YouTube channel. Honestly, I didn't ever expect to see her again.

For once I was happy to go home and just rest. No people around, just peace and quiet. I never knew how wrong I would be until I got home.

I walked inside my house and saw that everything had been cleaned up to make it look like nothing ever happened. Although the house was clean, my heart was not. They could take away the evidence but not the memories that were engraved in my mind and soul. I heard a sound in the kitchen and I quietly crept up on the figure that cast a shadow onto the wall. I grabbed it and wrestled it to the ground. I stopped to look at it's face and realized that it was my long lost dog, Cane. I would have been really happy if it was actually possible that he was back. But I hadn't seen this dog since my birth-parents were alive and by now it should have been dead.

I decided I didn't care, scooped Cane up into my arms, and apologized for tackling him. He barked a reply and for the first time in a long time, I smiled. I smiled a big, stupid grin and hugged him. It seemed at that moment that nothing could make me sad. I was right. For the next few hours I had the time of my life playing with Cane.

I eventually decided to sleep, but before I could I heard a knock at the door and Cane went crazy. I groaned, put on my slippers, and stumbled down the stairs toward the door. Slouching with tiredness I opened the door almost fell over from shock. Standing at the door, my Aunt Nicole was waiting with open arms about to hug me. She looked super exited and happy to see me, while I just stood there in shock. I hadn't seen her in forever. She usually only came by on Christmas or Halloween, so why was she here now.

She looked at me with sudden understanding of my surprise and then her face flashed to sadness as she told me to come sit down and talk. Even though this was currently my house, she had no problem raiding the fridge like an animal. I told her that stuff may have gone bad, but she didn't care. She told me she hadn't eaten in a day and needed a snack, so I just let her, sat back on the sofa and tried to rest a bit. Even though Cane kept licking me. Once she was done eating she sat on the couch next to me and asked if I could stay awake long enough to understand why she was here. I told her it was fine, then suddenly her expression got cold and depressed as she tried to explain.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry but your sister.... she didn't make it. The doctor tried everything, but she passed away in her sleep. The police told me to come over and babysit you until your mother comes back... if she ever does." She explained through tears. "I'm so sorry. I'm still here for you though.".

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. In a week my entire family had fallen apart and I was left on my own with an Aunt who I didn't know if I could trust. My dad murdered my sister so whats to stop her from doing the same to me. My only friend Jay just lied to me about his life so maybe i didn't really care what happens to him. I felt stupid for crying cause I believed it was a sign of weakness, but right now it didn't matter.I had lost everything I loved and I wasn't OK with it. I had tried to be strong, but I was done. Maybe I shouldn't live any more, it isn't worth it. I have nothing and no one and if I die I'll at least be in peace. Living with this pain is too much. Suddenly I had an idea. I would go to the roof tonight and jump. It was an easy way to get it over with and I was ready.

 "Auntie, you can have my mom's room, but I think I want to go to bed now. Good Night." I uttered those words as I crept up the stairs to my self imposed demise.

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