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Both Sakura and Wonwoo have graduated from university and already live under the same roof for more than one year. But even though they live together, there's still some things they couldn't say to each other. Just like Sakura that has been having a few dream about Wonwoo. In that dream, she was young, alone in the house, always waiting for her grandpa to come home, and young Wonwoo would come over to play with her. But she can't play with him, that young Wonwoo also knew that he'd have to go home when he finished playing. Sometimes she thought about how long they've been together in that dream, but she always waking up without having been able to do anything.


Wonwoo met his client in café, he explained which document he has already processed and submitted then told his client that all they need to do now is to wait for the reply from other party. He realized the restless face made by his client, then he asked her if there's something bothering her. But that young woman shook her head. And a slight smiled appeared in her face after she knew that there is no ring around his ring finger.

Before they parted, that beautiful woman asked Wonwoo whether he have time to go out with her this weekend, Wonwoo answered innocently that since Saturday is national holiday, so his office is closed also he'll be giving counseling in Friday so he can't meet her. She said it's ok and gave him a box of sweet from famous shop before she left. Wonwoo smiled happily since it's Sakura's favorite sweets.

Wonwoo arrived home and gave Sakura the sweets he got. He went to kitchen to prepare tea for them then he found Sakura reading a letter from his client which contain of an invitation to go out on a personal level. There's a sudden heavy silence for second, then Wonwoo panicky said that he will turn her down and he apologized. Sakura chuckled since she didn't say anything at all. Sakura said that she doesn't have any doubt to Wonwoo and he didn't need to apologize after all.

Wonwoo laid on his bed, he thought how he could be that dense not to realize the meaning of her client direct invitation before. Then his phone rang. It's a call from his mother who's reminding Wonwoo to come over next weekend and to bring Sakura this time. She's very excited to meet Sakura for the first time, she asked Wonwoo what she should make for dinner that time etc. Wonwoo overwhelmed by his mother excitement.

Wonwoo walked into Sakura room after several times unanswered door knock, he found Sakura slept on her desk in front of her laptop and documents. Wonwoo looked into the the thesis that Sakura had to submit soon. Then he whispered to her that she would catch by cold if she sleep here. Wonwoo played with Sakura hand using his index finger, unconsciously Sakura gripped his finger. Wonwoo chuckled while enjoying her cuteness.

"Sakura..." Wonwoo called her softly.

"Mom..." Wonwoo paused for a second. He released his finger from her hand then put a blanket on her.


It's just another ordinary morning they spent together. They had breakfast together in living room with the television on. Wonwoo asked her whether she would mind to come to his parents's house next week. Sakura dropped the chopstick she used. Sakura said that she's bad at that kind of thing, she worried that they might not like her, and since she always act so weirdly nervous when it comes to Wonwoo, she thought she wouldn't act properly. Wonwoo tried to explain that his parents want to meet her as his girlfriend since she has never met them face to face, at least he wants to introduce her to his family. Sakura nodded and agreed that she'll come with Wonwoo.


Sakura and Wonwoo arrived at his parent's house, Sakura awkwardly greeted Wonwoo's mom that warmly welcomed them first. Then a beautiful girl came out from living room to greet them. Wonwoo shocked since he thought that Cho Hani, his brother's girlfriend and also their childhood friend, still outside with her boyfriend.

Until the Flowers Bloom [Jeon Wonwoo x Miyawaki Sakura]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें