Chapter 2 of 12

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The alarm woke Wonwoo up from his sleep. With a thin blanket wrapping around his body, he brewed a cup of hot tea while counting how many times he dreamed a same thing this week. He wondered who Sakura is because his dreams contain of the same scene where he was putting on a familiar cherry blossom pendant to a certain girl whose face blurred. Honestly Wonwoo don't have anyone he knows by that name. He's so curious about this girl.

Seeing the same dream so many times made him remember the emotions he felt during them, like a fog beginning to clear. In that dream, he holds a special sort of feeling like a lover's for the person in the dream, but when he woke up, he couldn't really remember who it was. Even though he was so close to figuring it out. He started to blame the necklace he found because it all happened after he'd picked it up. Moreover his relationship with Kyulkyung got complicated, he felt guilty after all.

After class, Wonwoo got caught by his friend who beg him to pass some research material to Hoshi since his friend has to go to his part time job as soon as possible. At first Wonwoo declined him but after several persuasions he gave up. Wonwoo went to class which was Hoshi attended to. Wonwoo's sudden appearance surprised Hoshi.

"What's are you doing here Wonu?"

"Here, your research materials from Jun. He said he was in a hurry," Wonwoo gave Hoshi files from Jun.

"Whoa, how many people is he borrowing from? So I have to return the rest? DK and Rose and even Sakura. Sakura has been absent lately...I wonder if she's here today. See ya, sorry for this Wonu," said Hoshi.

"Who?" Asked Wonwoo. "Where? This person named Sakura, who is it?"

"Oh, um, wait. By the window, third row from the back with blue stripped shirt," Hoshi pointed to Sakura. "That's her, but--," Hoshi haven't finished his sentence.

"Can you help me to talk to her?" asked Wonwoo to Hoshi. "Ah, let me borrow this," Wonwoo grabbed Sakura's research material that borrowed by Jun then Wonwoo approached her.

"Are you Sakura-sshi?" asked Wonwoo while sitting beside her. "It is from Jun," Wonwoo gave the files.

"Ah, thank you," Sakura accepted it.

"Have we met before somewhere?" asked Wonwoo.

'ah, he doesn't remember' Sakura thought.

"Wonu...," Hoshi tried to interrupt them.

"It's strange, haven't we met somewhere before?" asked Wonwoo again.

"No..." Sakura answered hesitantly.

"Ah we met in front of university lab! Weren't you wearing a necklace. Cherry blossom flower, glass-like?" Wonwoo started to remember it.

"Hey, Wonu, calm down.... She's scared," Hoshi tried to stop Wonwoo. Sakura stood up from her chair.

"I wouldn't know someone like you," she said then went out from class.


Sakura absentmindedly sat while thinking a lot of things on her work desk. She didn't even hear Yoona called her several times which made her seonseungnim decided to surprise her by popping her head in front of Sakura. 

"Seonseungnim why? What? When did you get here?" Asked Sakura

"From when you were sighing and making a weird face. Ah here, the book you were looking for. I found it while I was reorganizing my books," said Yoona.

"Ah, thank you," Sakura smiled.

"Are you not feeling well?" Asked Yoona.

"No, I'm fine. Was my face really weird? I was just thinking about things," Sakura answered

"After not coming for a while, I thought you weren't up to your best. By the way you partner Eunbi-sshi, I haven't seen her around either. Is she not coming anymore?" asked Yoona.

"Most likely, it's my fault. I've been leaving early and pushing the work on her, so..." Sakura answered.

"I see, I don't mind it but I thought you might have problems if you worked on your own,"

"No, I am fine. Sorry for worrying you--,"

"No, I thought it might be none of my business. But I've looked for extra help on my part. He's actually coming here today. Calculating microorganism isn't a one-man job. You can't just gaze into a microscope for hours on end," said Yoona.

"Is he the student from agricultural major?" asked Sakura.

"No, Law major," Yoona smile witty.

"Law?! How is it someone from there has any free time?" Sakura surprised.

"He's quite efficient. He studies fairly well, so it's ok. He owes me some favors," Yoona confidently smile. "He's a little different, but fast learner. Have him do some basic works," Yoona's smile disappeared after she saw a hesitant look from Sakura. "I wish you'd let me do this much. You're an important student to me after all. Besides that, if you fall ill, your grand-father will be mad. He's pretty scary, you know," Yoona smiled.

"Yes, thank you," Sakura smiled back at her.


Sakura shocked when she found out that the new guy Yoona-seonseungnim brought is Wonwoo. She persuaded Yoona to think twice. Sakura promised her that she will manage on her own. She even said that someone with a busy major shouldn't be there in the first place.

"Oh, it's fine. I've already taken most of my required courses," Wonwoo smiled.

"Well, you seem pretty happy even though you were griping about how busy you were before Wonwoo? But since it's like that, why don't you use him Sakura?" Yoona also smiled.

"I think I can be of more help than you think," Wonwoo reached out his hand. "Nice to meet you,"

"...Nice to meet you too," Sakura answered.


Until the Flowers Bloom [Jeon Wonwoo x Miyawaki Sakura]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt