Chapter 10 of 12

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There's heavy silence enveloped Sakura and Wonwoo who are sitting side by side inside the train. Wonwoo just realized that until yesterday they were just talking a bunch of trifling things. That young man cannot think of any of those things right now. This awkward atmosphere felt strange after all until Wonwoo decided to ask Sakura about the new researcher, Chaewon. Wonwoo said that he's glad since the lab's work is going to be easier and Yoona will be happy. Sakura mumbled that Wonwoo would no longer come there. Then he asked if it's ok for him if he drop by the lab from time to time when he has time. Sakura's face brightens up while saying yes. Wonwoo chuckled over how cute his girlfriend is.

Wonwoo held Sakura's hand while walking out from train, he thought that little by little he began to understand the words Sakura doesn't say. It's cute yet kind of bad for his heart.

The couple entered Wonwoo's apartment, Sakura looked at the book shelf that contains a lot of books just like her grandfather's study room. Even his table full of books, folders, documents, laptop and an empty cup. Wonwoo told Sakura to take shower after gave her some of his clothes. 

Sakura came out from bathroom using an oversized sweatshirt and oversized short pants. The room's atmosphere became awkward, he regretted his decision on invited Sakura to his place. Actually, it's not the first time Wonwoo invited his girlfriends here only for have meal or watching movies together, but this is the first time he felt awkward and guilty in the same time. He gulped his saliva after saw Sakura's pale nape and red ears because of hot bath.

"Sakura, are you not sleepy yet? I have the movie I was talking about the other day, do you wanna watch?" asked Wonwoo.

"Oh, sure. Oppa talked about it so much," Sakura chuckled.

"Then, would you pass me the remote? It's by your feet," Sakura flinched when Wonwoo's getting closer to her to get the remote.

Seeing Sakura's becoming self-conscious in front of him, he wondered since how long that girl liked her, how could he has missed all the signals Sakura was giving him, he must have been really slow.

"Sakura, if you keep being that tense, it makes me want to do something you know,"


"Hahaha, just kidding. Let's go to sleep then, I'm no longer in my mood to watch movie,"

"It's not funny oppa!" Sakura sulked then got inside the blanket. She slept on Wonwoo's bed.

"Sorry, sorry Sakura. I'll turn off the lamp then," Wonwoo turned off the lamp and got back to futon laid beside his bed.

It's not a lie when he said that he wanted to do something to Sakura since that girl's awkwardly cute. But Wonwoo knew he shouldn't do that, so he decided to cool off his head with sleeping early than he planned.


It's already morning, Sakura woke up before the alarm rang. In the end she couldn't sleep much. She turned her body to see Wonwoo's sleeping figure. Sakura smiled while staring Wonwoo's face. To be honest, Sakura thought that he shouldn't have taken consideration of her. She whispered to Wonwoo's ear that she hopes that he had just done what he wanted. Wonwoo slowly woke up after that, then Sakura hide herself in hurry under blanket, pretending to sleep. Wonwoo thought that Sakura still sleep.


"Oppa, these clothes, I'll return them after I have washed them,"

"It's fine. I don't mind if you keep them," Wonwoo smiled.

"Uh, well then, I'll see you later oppa,"

"Sakura, I will study hard," said Wonwoo

"...? Oh right. Your exam, good luck with that,"

"I'll study hard regarding love to love you right," Sakura then slammed the door.

Sakura walked while blushing. She thought how can he becomes like that.


Sakura asked herself if this is really real, because something like this has never happened to her before and she used to think that it will never happen in her life. She feels really tired now. She's currently daydreaming in lab until Chaewon told her that her phone kept ringing. Then Chaewon excuse herself to went back home first.

Sakura thought about Seungwoo's calls and decided to picked it up. She then agreed to meet him after made sure that it'll be the last time they met. Yoona who was walking back to lab, saw Sakura picked up by a familiar face she had met before, but she's not sure.

Wonwoo already sat on the bench outside the lab while texting Sakura. He bumped into Yoona and she told Wonwoo about what he saw earlier. Wonwoo asked her how that person look like. Yoona tried to remember Seungwoo since she thinks she know him from someplace. Wonwoo then asked her whether his name is Ong Seungwoo, it triggered Yoona memories of one of his students back two year ago. Wonwoo panicky tried to call Sakura but the phone can't be reached right now.

"Ong Seungwoo was one of our students here. It's been a while since I've seen him. Just now I didn't recognize him," Yoona said.

"Student...from this school?"

"Exactly, you didn't know? Sakura's grandfather was a supplementary professor at this school and Ong Seungwoo's used to be his student and also help him with his research,"

"Then Yoona-seonseungnim must be have his identity as a researcher here back then, right?"


Sakura sat in passenger seat beside Seungwoo. She smiled after read Wonwoo's message but her phone was taken by Seungwoo and he turned it off. He said that he would return it once they're done talking.


Wonwoo got anxious over the sound of the clock ticking, he's still searching for Seungwoo's address from laboratory's datas. Yoona said even the uni keeps all the contacts of previous students, but she sure that he move since then. Even so his address still can be trace from greeting card that Seungwoo sent to lab this year.

After got the address and memorized it, Wonwoo thanked Yoona and hopped to Taxi. He's not certain whether anything will happen but he knew that Seungwoo likes Sakura after all. So he feels that he should do something about it.


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