"Make that two." Roma and Clopin came in. Clopin went over to Adrianna while Roma came up to the group holding an envelope saying Clara's name in Garrett's distinctive handwriting. "Sorry we ran late, had to get Misty back to her stall and she was giving problems. We found this with where I would assume a sword would be, a now missing sword."  "And... suspicion is now rising," says Shane. "Oh, give me that!" Clara sais snatching the letter away. She gave Shane and Claytin a look. "Keep out of it!" She ran upstairs to put it away. "So, we are stealing that later correct?" Claytin asked Shane once she was out of sight. "Obviously," says Shane. Adrianna snuck up behind Roma and hugged her. "Hi, grandmama!" Roma laughed. "Hey, birthday girl! How has your birthday been?" "The best one I've had, and the first one I celebrated so really good!" "Oh! Before I forget, Tina and I made you something," says Charlene. She grabs a bag and takes out a dress with green, pink, and blue stripes. "Here you go, Adri!" "Thank you! I love it!" "You really do have the best family Adrianna," Gabriel said. Adrianna looked to Shane and back to Gabriel, "Have you met my mama or lived the past few six months? I have a mess of a family!" she says, "But I love them." Claytin went and hugged Adrianna. Shane smiles. "Yeah, they're not a very functional family," he says. Adrianna gave a laugh. "You're a part of it whether you like it or not. I was adopted, no one said you had to be blood to be family. If I didn't know any better I'd think you and mama were siblings. You fight like siblings." Claytin failed to hold in a laugh as Adrianna ran back over to Gabriel and Floria. Charlene laughs. "Looks like this is who we are now, Ti," she says. "And I wouldn't have it any other way," says Tina. "Clara, what is taking so long?" Claytin called up. "I'll be down in a minute, we don't have many good hiding spaces!" she called back down. Claytin rolled his eyes. "I feel like she sometimes forgets that I have powers," says Shane.  "Oh, she does. It is quite humorous to watch sometimes," Claytin chuckled. 

   Roma went up to Verity. "I heard you are taking care of another child," she said giving her a hug. "Yeah," says Verity. "A former slave girl named Ash. Shane freed her from the Dark Fairy Dimension. She's a bit difficult, though." "Clara difficult, Shane difficult or a different kind of difficult?" Roma asked. Verity exhales deeply. "A different kind of difficult," she says. "Oh god... you want any help? I can come to New Orleans for a little while. With Claude almost getting me yesterday it might be good for me," Roma said. "He what?!" Clopin asked, "You didn't think to mention this? God, you're just like your daughter." "That's the truth," Claytin said crossing his arms. "Yeah, you're gonna have to take her in, Mom," says Shane. "But-" "No buts, Mom." "I don't have to go, I was offering help. And Shane, I am older than you. And that's your mom who raised you. If it is best I stay here, then I will stay here. If you, Verity, need my help and ask for my help, I am more than willing. That's what best friends are for right?" Roma said. "Well, if Frollo almost got to you, then I guess it's best if you don't stay here," says Verity. "Does no one see the sword and the word almost? I am perfectly fine here, please do not feel obligated to take me in. Just putting it out there, I am still better at sword fighting then Clara," Roma said. "Yeah, but I am better with a dagger and mostly everything else," Clara said coming downstairs. "And she returns!" Claytin said laughing. "Roma, I can't let Frollo lock you up again," says Verity. "It's better if you come with me." "Sword skills will only get you so far, anyway," says Shane. "I mean, Clara could have killed Frollo right then and there at the execution. How are we supposed to trust that you won't hesitate, like her?" "Hey! I was raised by that man for thirteen years, forgive me if I hesitated!" Clara said coming over to them. "She is right. And I'd kill Claude any day of the week. I hate that man and I never, ever, ever loved him!" Roma said. "Papa, when are we going to eat the cake?" Adrianna asked from the next room over. "Soon, we'll call you in!" Shane rolls his eyes. "Fine, whatever," he says. "But if you ever cross paths with him again, I expect to see you carrying his head." Charlene gasps. "Shane!" "Too much?" "I'll put it on my wall," Roma laughed patting his shoulder, "You just make sure I don't die again so he can come back!" "I'll be able to help with that," says Verity. Clara kissed Claytin, "This is a weird family." "Sure, is, come on let's get the cake out." "Whoo! Cake time!" Tina shouts. 

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