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He didn't know why he did it. He knows it's wrong. He knows he's loosing friends and making terrible life choices. It's all he can think about as he sits across the table from a girl, holding her hand and wondering what her boyfriend is doing at the moment.

He knew this was crossing the line. He fucking knew it was, but he did it. He didn't think twice about sending her a message, or winking when his best friend wasn't looking. But now, he succeeded and he sat there guilty.

"Jimin?" She asks softly, looking at him in concern. Her big, soft eyes looked at him endearingly. Her nose ring shined from the lights above them.

Jimin knew she had problems with herself, in fact his best friend had told him how worried he was for her. How she craved acceptance and love. However, his best friend saw her as an artist above her times. He held her to the highest of lights, full of potential shining in her. Everyone looked down at her for her piercing and dinky small tattoos on her, but to him it made her stand out even more and was caught in awe at the walking art.

Jimin knew he was in love with her and he knew that she just wanted love and attention.

He knew he would break his friends heart and her confidence and security when Jae would find out.

"Did you hear me?" Her voice echoes, looking a little upset now.

"I'm sorry," He shakes his head as the heel of his hand rubbed his temple, "I'm not feeling too well." He shakes off.

"That's... not good." She frowns. She bit her lip and chewed on her cheek as she contemplated telling him. She continues to open her mouth and hesitated before noise flowed from her.

"I'm flatter you like me enough to uh, essentially destroy a life long relationship, however... I don't return the same feelings. I'm in love with Jae, your best friend and- and you should be happy for us!" She says, fear and confusion in her voice as she still is trying to figure Jimin out.

"He told me how you tend to do this..." She says softly. Jimin sat there looking at his drink, feeling empty. Like he couldn't connect his feelings to his sensory.

"I'm sorry." She whispers and shakes her head. She gets up and looks out the window to where he was waiting. Her boyfriend who had a hurt expression on his face as he stared at Jimin through the window. Jimin knew it was him, he could feel it. However, he could t bring himself to look up at the y'all male.

"I told him. I told him I'd come meet you to tell you no, as it's what I should do. But, I think you should talk to Jae. He's really hurt, Jimin." She says before bowing and leaving him there.

Vote: closed

A) continue with his back story
A1) come back to it later in the story
B) go back to the original story line
B1) Moon's and Jk's date
B2) Namjoon's pov

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