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The smell of coffee made it's way through the cracks of Moon's door. She sat up, whining gently as the sun hit her eyes. She looked beside her to see Jungkook wasn't there. She looked down at her sleeves.

I didn't have sleeves yester- this is Jungkook's sweater.

She was too tired to even think about it and snuggled into his warm black sweater. She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, ignoring the extra body in the kitchen.

She washes her face and brush her teeth before barreling into the kitchen. Her brain wasn't awake and she sits right next to a body and lays against them.

"Ah, and you must be the lovely Moon that i hear so much about." The body underneith her rumbled. She openes her eyes to see Jungkook across the table.

"B-but-" she looks and jumps out of her seat when she see another male.

"I didn't mean to scare you." The male chuckled. "I'm Jin. Jungkook's hyung. I work with him." He smiles pleasantly.

"Oh- I- Jung- you-"her brain wasn't working and she just sighs angrily.

She had done too much thinking the night before.

"Don't think too hard, you might hurt yourself." Her brain was awake enough to shoot daggers at Jungkook.

"Shut up." She mumbled and sits next to him, reaching over and sipping his coffee. Jungkook just smiles and rests his arm on the back of her chair.

Jin watches with a careful eye, humming when he understands.

"You can at least put a shirt on." She mumbles as she feels the heat radiate from him.

"How can I? You have my sweater."

"You have a spare shirt here."

"Too uncomfy."

"Just give up." Jin sighs, "We never got him to wear clothes either." He grimaces right before sipping the coffee.

"Apparently no one can." She jokes back and he smiles.

"I'm so very sorry for tumbling in your home like this, but when Jungkook went missing and wasn't answering his calls unlesa it was to call in sick for work, I had to find him. Jimin said he was with you when he asked to come over." Jin paused as he watches Jungkook's dark expression, "So, i figured some space would do fine before making my way here."

"No. It's ok! I'm happy he has someone watching over him like you!" She gushes immediately, feeling slightly relieved.

"Ah, if only he would feel the same..." He joked, looking at Jungkook with what could only be described as a pitiful mother's sad face.

"Get over yourself." Jungkook says as he grabs the cup from Moon and takes a burning gulp. Moon winces, she knew it was hot.

"Once you do too, of course." Jin shot back, hissing his words like a snake.

Moon sunk in her seat,trying to escape their mini family fued.

"Oh! Are you hungry? I bought ingrediants on the way here!" Jin jumps from his seat and starts making her fresh eggs.

"O-oh! You d-don't have to!" She yelps out and he shakes his head.

"I insist. You took care of Jungkook last night, it's the least I can do."

Jungkook just sighs and pushes back his chair.

"I'm going to shower." He grumbles and kisses Moon's temple in a quick peck and leaves the room.

"Moon? Can I talk to you?" Jin asked as he fried her eggs and popped toast in the toaster.

"Anything." She gets up and goes to stand near him so that he wasn't raising his voice.

"You like him, don't you sweetheart?" He asks lowly, his deep voice rumbling in the air.

She was shocked that he was so straightfoward and her brain flopped.

"I uh-"

"And don't you dare lie to me." He narrows his eyes.

VOTE: closed

A) "Yes, I like him."
B) "No, I don't like him."
C) "I do... And I thought he felt the same way. But, I don't think he does... "

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