(Y/n's mind): So fast!

Luna swings her blade at you but you luckily managed to jump back quickly enough to just barley avoid her swing but as you land on the ice you start to slide a bit which knocks you off balance a bit.

(Y/n's mind): This stupid ice!

(Luna's mind): I've got you now.

Luna's right hand suddenly starts to glow again, she then leaps towards you and goes in for a strong right handed punch.

(Y/n): Crap!

You put your left arm up to block her punch however just as the punch connects your left arm suddenly gets covered in ice.


Luna smiles as you drop to one knee and try to bear the immense pain coming from your left arm.

(Luna): A brute like you can't beat someone like me!

Luna delivers a powerful kick to your chest which not only hurts you quite a lot but also sends you flying back to the other end of the hallway and make you crash into the icy wall.

(Y/n): AGH!

Meanwhile the 3 young iciclites have managed to get to the throne room and burst into the room.

(Winter): Huh?

(Crystal): Hm?

The two look to see the three young iciclites looking at them with a look of panic in their eyes.

(Winter): I take it something happened?

(Young iciclite 3): Y-Yes your highness! luna is after the saiyan and has probably found him by now.

Winter's eyes widen while crystal simply sighs.

(Crystal): Well that did not last long.

(Winter): Take me to them!

(Young Iciclite 3): Right! follow us!

Winter and the three young iciclites run out of the throne room and head off to were you and luna are while crystal stays in her chair with a look of boredom.

(Crystal):........Oh boy......

Meanwhile luna starts to run over to you and makes her right hand glow again but this time she clenches her fist and when she gets within range she goes in for a strong right handed punch to your face.

(Luna): DIE!

Her fist comes within inches of your face however you move your head to the side which makes her fist hit the wall behind you instead.

(Luna) What!

(Y/n): RAAHH!!!

With some of the power you have left you deliver a strong right handed punched to her face which knocks her flying to the other end of the hallway and hits the window with enough force to make her smash right through it.

(Y/n): Tch....

You look at your left arm and charge ki in it which slowly starts to melt the ice away until there is noting left a red mark on your arm.

(Y/n): Damn this stings.

You look towards the window you knocked luna through sure enough luna comes flying back through the window with that same look of rage.

(Luna): Damn you! why won't you just die!

You smile a bit at her outburst.

(Y/n): Your lucky I am not fully recovered or that punch may of done alot more than just knock you out a window.

(Luna): Tch! (notices the ice around your arm is gone) wait what happened to my ice!

 (Y/n): Ah it was noting I just had to charge ki around my arm which melted it away however it still stings quite a bit.

(Luna): This time I will cover you up completely!

(Y/n's mind): If this fight keeps up I won't last very long I have to get away from her somehow.

(Luna): HAAAAAAAA!!!!

A cold blizzard files out of luna's body as both her hands glow this time.

(Y/n): !

(Luna): So long!

Luna leaps at you with her left hand stretched out at you but as you ready yourself to counter her attack a hand grabs onto luna's left arm and stops her in your tracks.

(Luna): Wha- 

Both luna's and your eyes widen as the person who grabbed onto luna is no other than winter who does not look very happy.

(Luna): F-Father!

(A/n): Done and done this one was fun to do with the reveal of luna's abilities and I hope you liked how the chapter turned out and now I shall take a day break and then on the 7th I shall come back to write chapters on the crimson pearl book.

Unrivaled Fury - Low Class Saiyan x Female Saiyan HaremWhere stories live. Discover now