Chapter XII

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We cleaned ourselves up and took a quick shower before we ultimately went to sleep.

"Good night my sweet heart.", I whispered. "Good night my everything.", Eddy replied and kissed me on my lips once again and so we fell asleep.

The next morning I had to pack my suitcases and get ready to leave tomorrow. After I got ready the boys and me decided to spend the day relaxing and playing games in the living room. In the evening Brett insisted to play a bit music with me together so we got into the practice room and we played our harts out. It sounded beautiful and I felt happy. We haven't played together for years now and Brett actually got a lot better since the last time we've played together. He got in fact so good that I felt jealous and decided to practice even more so that one day I'll live up to him and maybe get him jealous next time.

Anyways the next day came and the boys drove me to the airport. We all felt sad since we woke up and the mood didn't change much when my flight was announced. I hugged my brother tightly.

"Thanks for such a great time Brett."

"Ah it's fine, I'm glad you've spend some time with us and remember this is not a goodbye forever Y/N."

I nodded at him and then looked at Eddy. He hugged me tight as well and gave me a long passionate kiss.

"Please come back as soon as you can alright?" And I promised him I'd text him soon. After we said goodbye I turned my back on them and got to the passport control and as soon as I passed it my tears began to ran down my cheeks. I miss them already..

But I promised myself not to cry so I wiped my tears away and sat into the aircraft.

I would definitely come back soon.



So this was my kinda crappy story.. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it through I hope you've enjoyed it <3
Feel free to leave me a comment and tell me your opinion on it. Eventually I'll write a continuation of this if I find the time to.

Untill then I hope you'll still enjoy this short story and continue to watch Twoset.

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