Chapter VI

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They both said good night and I got ready for bed. This time I closed the curtains and jumped into my bed. It was comfortable and warm but not quiet as comfy and nice as Eddy's bed I had to admit.

Before I fell asleep I took my phone and scrolled through social media until my eyes eventually fell shut.

[Music tip; J.S Bach: Sonata for Violin Solo No.1 in G Minor, BWV 1001: 2. Fuga (Allegro)]

When I opened my eyes I was back at the scenery I was in earlier that day. I was on the balcony with the mysterious young man who was about to reveal his face but we got interrupted by somebody opening the glass door and shouting my name. It was my brother.

"Y/N get away from him immediately!" At exact that second the masked man lifted his mask just enough for me to see his mouth. He gently kissed me on the cheek and jumped of the balcony. My heart stopped since it was quiet a long way down from here. I threw away my mask and rushed over to the railing and looked down but I couldn't see anything. Suddenly Brett seized me by the arm and turned me towards him. "Are you insane? You're the princess of this kingdom! How dare you get away from us? This man could've killed you.", he said with an angry voice. "But b-brother." He didn't even want to hear a word and simply dragged me into my room. "You're not getting out of here until the ball is over was that clear?" I knew my brother was very protective over me but I never saw him that way. And before I could say a word he closed the door and I was trapped. I got on my bed and started to cry. I could still hear the music from downstairs. It's so unfair!

After a while I looked up from my pillow I realized that I was covered in darkness and I wasn't a princess anymore but rather myself again. Suddenly I couldn't feel the ground under my feet anymore and began to fall.

[Music tip; Beethoven: Sonata No.1 in F Minor, Op. No.1: II. Adagio]

My body flinched and I opened my eyes. My heart was beating fast and I felt incredibly hot so I moved my blanket and sat up. I buried my face in my hands and took a deep breath. It was just a stupid nightmare.. After a few moments I finally calmed myself and decided to get a cup of water from the kitchen. After I got a cold cup of water I just kinda stood there by the window and looked into the night sky. I had so many thoughts running through my head. Why am I dreaming such stuff? Who's that man with the mask and what's up with Eddy all this time..? He was acting kinda weird since we met. It was kinda like he tried to make a move on me and I'm actually falling for him. I took a deep breath and shook my head. That's really a lot to proceed.

"Can't sleep as well huh?", I suddenly heard a male voice that send chills down my spine. I turned around and saw Eddy leaning against the door frame. Only in boxers I might add.

I quickly looked away and nodded. "Had a nightmare so I got up to get a drink.."

In the corner of my eye I noticed that he was smiling and coming nearer. He stopped right in front of me and I looked up into his face once again. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me into a hug. "What could such a beautiful girl like you possibly dream about that would scare her out of her dreams?", he asked while resting his chin on my head. My head was pressed against his bare chest and I could hear his heart beat. It was calm and steady compared to my heart. It felt like it was beating very fast and very randomly, like it's out of control. I hugged him back and let his heart beat calm me. After a few seconds I finally spoke. "I don't know it was a weird dream.. I only remember falling into darkness and then I woke up."

Eddy pulled a bit away and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. "Why don't you sleep in my bed? You seemed okay sleeping there the first evening. Maybe it'll help."
"And what about you? I can't just throw you out of your room."

"Ah don't worry, I'll just sleep in the guest room." And with that he took my hand and lead me to his bedroom. I didn't really had a choice so I lay down in his bed and tugged myself in. "Alright then. I'll be right across the hallway if there's another nightmare ok? Just call me if you need something." I thought for a second and held his hand as he turned away. "Actually.. I'm a bit scared about my brother finding out but.. Would you mind staying with me..?" The boy looked down at me and nodded softly. I moved over and Eddy lay down as well. I didn't want to be alone and really enjoyed his company. Hopefully my brother won't find out. I came closer to him and he hugged me again. My head was resting on his shoulder and I buried my face into his chest. "Good night Eddy. And.. Thank you.", I whispered and closed my eyes.

He gave me a small kiss on my forehead and so we fall asleep.

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