Chapter VII

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I came closer to him and he hugged me again. My head was resting on his shoulder and I buried my face into his chest. "Good night Eddy. And.. Thank you.", I whispered and closed my eyes. He gave me a small kiss on my forehead and so we fall asleep.

[Music tip; J.S Bach: Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: I. Alledmande]

The next morning I woke up alone and I needed a few moments to realize where I was and what actually happened last night. I was still sitting in Eddy's bed and he was gone as far as I knew. He probably got up before me and went to the kitchen or something. I got up and walked over to his desk and chair where I found a black T-shirt and a note. "Good morning my sleepy beauty, I hope you had sweet dreams. I left you one of my shirts if you want to change and I'm waiting in the kitchen. -Eddy"

I didn't think much of it and just changed into his over sized shirt with practice written like a period system on it. I couldn't resist and smelled the sweet scent of his shirt. Then I made my way into the kitchen where the two friends were sitting and waiting for me. My brother automatically noticed Eddy's shirt on me and looked rather serious at his best friend. "Eddy.. May I have you for a word?", he asked in a cold tone. Eddy nodded and so they left the kitchen.

I knew we were in big trouble. Brett leaned the door shut but still left open a small gap so I could see and listen to them.

"I swear to god Eddy if you've touched her-"
"Don't worry nothing happened I swear. She had some nightmares and so I offered her to sleep in my room since she felt comfortable on her first night here and it was actually her idea to sleep together. I don't know maybe she was still scared or something."
"That doesn't change a thing. Y/N's my sister, not some random girl you can play and then throw her away when you're done playing like you usually do for gods sake! I know you've lost her and it still hurts but that doesn't give you the right to act like such a dickhead."
"Why'd you bring her up now? As you said it still hurts.. And I admit that I've been a jerk to girls in the past. I tried to forget her but I swear Y/N is different. Something.. Something reminds me of her you know and I don't want to hurt her for real."

Brett sighed. "Eddy, if you really mean it then take her out or something. You've been hitting on her the moment you've seen her and I'm just worried because I know you.."
"Don't worry Brett I won't do anything against her will.", the younger male promised.

It seemed like the conversation was over so I rushed to my seat and pretended like I didn't hear them, even tho I was pretty confused. Who is 'she' and what happened between her and Eddy?
"Is everything fine? You didn't yell at Eddy did you..? I wanted him to be with me and nothing else happened I swear." Brett gently shook his head. "I know Y/N don't worry.", was all he said. Then he cleaned up his plates and left the room. I looked at Eddy. "So I see you've decided to wear my shirt I picked for you.", he smiled at me. "Well.. It looked comfy so I put it on.", I answered shyly. "Don't worry because of your brother. He just tries to protect you and you're really lucky to have him." I nodded in agreement. Yes, Brett could be harsh sometimes but he really just wanted me to be safe.

I finished my breakfast without further talking and afterwards cleaned up my plates. Then I felt the urge to play the piano for some reason. I didn't play it for quiet some time and I definitely should get back to practice so I asked Eddy if they had a piano in the house and he showed me a small room with a light brown piano in the corner and some music sheets and books lying around. "Sorry it's a bit messy but you can practice here if you want to.", he explained. "Thanks.", was all I said and went directly over to the instrument. I sat down and let my fingers float above the keys. Then I closed my eyes and let my fingers rest on the keys for a moment before I took my last big breath and played the first few notes.

[Music tip; Kreisler/Rachmaninoff: Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow)]

I decided to play Love's Sorrow by Kreisler/Rachmaninoff because the title kinda reminded me of my dream and the mysterious man. I forgot about everything around me and just played the melody of the piece. I even closed my eyes and thought about the ball again. It felt so real when I was dreaming and I felt like I already knew the man with the crow mask. Eddy didn't leave the room at all. He was just leaning against the door frame and listening.

I looked at him in the corner of my eyes and his expression was kinda sad. I turned my face towards him but didn't stop playing. Eddy just looked at his feet and didn't say a word. When I was done I lifted my hands and let them rest in my lap before I turned to Eddy once again. The black haired boy was still looking at his feet and not saying a thing. "Are you alright?", I finally asked. "Why'd you play such a sad but yet beautiful piece?" "Well, it kinda reminded me of my dream I had yesterday. So I decided to play it but you looked kinda sad when I was playing it.. You didn't like it?" He shook his head. "It's nothing personal. It just reminded me of a person I really liked. She also played Love's Sorrow sometimes." And now I felt bad. "May I ask who she is and what happened to her..?", I carefully asked. Eddy seemed to think about it for a moment before shaking his head. "Maybe another time Y/N I don't wanna be sad right now.", he explained with a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry I asked." "It's fine, really."

Maybe I should play something more upbeat? "Why don't you join me?", I asked while moving a bit over. Eddy chuckled quietly and took the seat besides me.

[Music tip; Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.8 in C Minor, Op.13 "Pathétique": II. Adagio cantabile]

I got my hands into position again and played something more peaceful. This time I played Beethoven's soft Piano Sonata no.8 in C minor. While I was playing Eddy slowly leaned towards me and rested his head on my shoulder. I didn't mind at all and my brother didn't either. He was standing in the door frame, watching us without saying anything. Eddy and I didn't notice him right away.

"You have no idea of how much you remind me of her..", Eddy spoke in a very soft voice. "You're right, I really have no idea.. But please keep in mind that I'm not her.", I answered.

He nodded weakly and buried his face deeper into my neck. He didn't kiss me or something but yet I could feel something wet running down my skin.
I didn't say a word but let his emotions speak for themselves and Eddy began to cry.

I've never lost a loved one before so I couldn't quiet understand his pain but something really horrible must've happened. The moment I realized that all my emotions began to sack and I felt like something really heavy was resting on my whole body. As the piece progressed Eddy didn't hold back and I felt really bad for making him feel that way but at the same time I found it releasing. Once I finished the piece and let the last notes fade away Eddy hugged me really tight and I just let it happen. He buried his face into my chest and I stoked his head. "I'm so sorry.", was all I could say. "It's fine.. I just miss her.. I miss her so much Y/N."

Now I noticed Brett who just left the room. I turned back to the crying boy and gave him a soft kiss on his head. "It's ok Eddy. I know we don't know each other very well but you can always talk to me if you want to."

Some time passed and Eddy slowly calmed down. We moved onto the couch and now his head was resting in my lap and I was still stroking his hair. "Would do me a favor and come with me to her grave..?", he then suddenly asked.

I hesitated at first but then decided to go with him.
We told Brett and then left the apartment.

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