Chapter IX

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I spread myself across the sofa but this time with my head resting on Eddy's and my legs resting on Brett's lap. Some time passed and the shorter male decided to get up and make some lunch and after to go practice.

So now it was just Eddy and me.

[Music tip; Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op.50, TH 117: IIa. Thema]

"When and where do you plan on taking me out?", I suddenly busted out.
"Well you can choose if you want to."
"Okay so how about a day at a dinosaur museum?" I always liked dinosaurs and going to museums so I figured it could be a nice place for a first date. Eddy thought about it for a second and then agreed. "I'm free on Friday. We have a small concert next week and we need to record some videos for YouTube.", he explained. Brett actually never told me about their YouTube so I asked and Eddy showed me some videos. In the end we just ended up watching their videos for the rest of the day and making viola jokes.

Time passed by and Brett showed up in front of the TV. "Are you guys just watching videos all day long?", he asked. "Eddy you should go practice, we have a concert soon." Eddy sighed and got up. "Sorry Y/N but I have to go", he stated and went to the room with the piano.

Meanwhile my brother dropped besides me. "So you finally know about Naomi huh?"

I simply nodded. Brett put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I didn't resist and just let myself fall onto his chest. "I've never seen Eddy break down like that.."

I looked up at him and smiled sadly. "He really loved her and his life went extremely downhill after her death. The only thing that kept him sane was his violin and music.", Brett explained. "I was so protective over you in the beginning because I knew how much of a player he can be sometimes and what he has done in the past to girls. I didn't want him to hurt you, I mean you're my little sister after all." "Thank you Brett.", I said softly.

"But know I understand how much you mean to him and I think he'll change."

"I hope so because I think I really like him."

Brett smiled at me. "By the way, there are still some leftovers from lunch. If you're hungry just take them." I nodded and got up. My stomach growled just then because I actually didn't eat anything for lunch. I made my way into the kitchen and ate dinner. In the distance I could hear Eddy playing his violin. His sound was distant but still very calming. I enjoyed my meal and after decided to go to bed since it was already pretty late.

I let myself sink into my bed and yawned. What a day.. I thought. I curled into a ball on the right site, facing the wall. Then I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

[Music tip; Brahms: Violin Sonata No.1 in G Major, Op.78 "Regen": II.Adagio]

When I opened my eyes I found myself in a french garden and a water fountain in front of me. Then I noticed the mysterious man with the crow mask sitting by the fountain and staring into the water. I looked down on me and ascertained that I was dressed in a casual night dress. My hair was open and loosely fell over my shoulders.

"My lady.. So we meet again.", his familiar voice spoke. I looked at him as he stood up and gestured me to come closer. I followed his commands and soon after I stood inches away from him. "Last time your dear brother interrupted us but now we're alone and the whole kingdom is asleep." "I thought you were dead after you jumped off our balcony.", I said in a concerned voice. "Don't worry about me my beautiful princess."

He then slowly put his hand on his mask and lifted it. My heart literally stopped as I saw his face. He had soft looking black hair and almond shaped dark brown eyes. "I'm really inconsolable I couldn't tell you my name when we first met. My name is Eddy my majesty.", he spoke and did a small bow. I instantly grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him back up. "You don't have to bow in front of me. Please just call me Y/N and treat me like a normal girl not a princess." "As you wish.", Eddy said and kissed my right hand. My cheeks were deep red at this point.
The black haired young man then raised his eyes to heaven and stared into the distance for a moment.

"Our time is almost over Y/N but we'll meet again very soon."

And with that he turned me his back and walked away. I was left there in confusion and excitement. I smiled to myself, closed my eyes and let my dream end for the night.

[Music tip; Brahms: String Quartet No.3 in B-Flat Major, Op. 67: I. Vivace]

It was quiet when I opened my eyes in the morning. It was Monday morning and around 10 am when I checked my phone. I got up and went to the bathroom. I didn't hear anyone talking or playing music so I figured the boys were out somewhere.

As I brushed my teeth I tried to recreate my dream from last night. So Eddy was the mysterious man all along. I smiled at myself in the mirror and finished brushing my teeth and face. I wasn't really hungry yet so I skipped breakfast that day and checked the apartment for the boys but without success. I simply shrugged with my shoulders and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and reached for the remote when I noticed a small note on the table.

'Good morning Y/N by the time you're awake Eddy and I are probably out to film some videos and go grocery shopping after. We'll come back around 2 pm. -Love Brett'

I sighed not really knowing what to do now. I turned on the TV and watched whatever series was aired and after half an hour I decided to practice for a bit. Luckily I got lost while playing so I didn't notice Brett and Eddy coming home. Only when Brett stepped into the room and greeted me I stopped and helped them get everything in the fridge.

Afterwards we all decided to play some games on their switch and so the day passed by.

I couldn't wait until Friday. With every passing day my excitement grew bigger and bigger. Most of the week passed by kinda slowly the days took forever. On Thursday they had their concert and I was yet again amazed by their passion and determination to follow their dreams.

Then Friday finally arrived.

[Twosetviolin] Summer Love - Eddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now