Chapter III

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I just shook my head and pushed him towards the stage. "Good luck Brett and don't worry, I'm a big girl now and can watch after myself.", I ensured and winked at him.
Then he left.

"Hey why don't we go and watch Brett on TV over there?", Eddy asked and I agreed. So went over to a small room with a small white sofa and a TV. It showed the stage and the audience waiting for the next musician to play. Eddy and I sat down on the sofa and my eyes were glued onto the screen.

[Music tip; Mozart Sonata For Piano and Violin in E Minor, K.304: 2. Tempo di minuetto]

Brett got into position and looked one last time at the women at the piano, signalizing her that he was ready and so she started to play. Brett chose Mozart's Sonata for piano and violin in E Minor.

It was a light melody and they started of strong. I loved to see him play, whether it be on stage or just for me at home. We both loved music from the bottom of our hearts and luckily our parents always supported us and our dreams.

While I was watching my brother play I didn't notice Eddy looking at me from the side until he spoke. "You know you look really beautiful." My eyes widened a bit because he got me completely by surprise. "Uh-..T-thank you..", was I all I could stutter. "Would you mind telling me something about you, maybe how you got into classical music?" I was still a bit surprised but then I smiled, looked at the screen for a moment and then at my hands that were resting on my lap.

"Well it all started with my brother. When we were little he wanted to play the violin so baldy that my parents just had to get him an instrument. He took some lessons and of course he sounded terrible at the beginning.", I laughed a bit remembering those times almost perfectly. "He was constantly practicing and it was fascinating to watch because all his friends were outside all the time but he insisted to continue practicing. So after a while he got better and I remember coming downstairs late because I couldn't sleep and watching him still practice. He was so ambitious and I think it rubbed of on me. One day I decided that I wanted to play music with him instead of just listen and since we had a big piano in our living room I slowly began to play for a bit on my own until my parents got me lessons too. Brett was and always will be my biggest inspiration. I look up to him and I want to push just as hard as he does."
"Wow what a story. Well I'm glad you look up to him and want to become better, he's mine inspiration as well and sometimes I see him more of a rival then a friend. Especially in a competition." I chuckled a bit. "Seems like my brother does have a strong rival then."
I leaned back at the couch and closed my eyes to fully enjoy the music my brother was playing and after a few seconds I could feel a strong large hand on top of mine. I opened my eyes and looked over to Eddy. He looked away from me and also leaned against the soft sofa. I smiled and just let it happen.

Brett played the last few notes of the piece and the audience began to clap. "We probably should get out of here before your brother finds us and kills me.", Eddy said and I agreed.

[Music tip; Mozart Piano Trio, K. 442: 1. Allegro]

As we got out of the room my older brother got of the stage and walked into our direction. Before he could even open his mouth I hugged him tightly. "That was awesome Brett! Congratulations!", I said happily. "Thank you but please I need some air." I let go of him and he fixed his bow. "Great performance bro." "Thanks. I hope I'll win this.", the shorter boy laughed. "I don't think so.", Eddy replied and all of us busted out laughing.
We decided to sit into the room Eddy and I were sitting earlier to watch the other guys play until they'd announce the winner. Of course Brett was sitting in between Eddy and me. "Holy crap.. Looks like we got some good rivalry this year." "Hmm..", Eddy simply hummed in agreement. After some time passed and all the contestants played their piece the jury finally announced the winner.

"The winner of this years competition is.. Eddy Chen!"

For a split of a second Brett and Eddy looked at each other in surprise before my brother pushed his friend forwards and we started applauding.

"I actually can't believe it..", Brett muttered underneath his breath.

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