"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said Joker with a deadly serious tone. Trixie turned around with more fear than ever.

"Now," Joker said cheerfully. "Let's all go inside." And they all went inside.

"I have a bad feeling about this place," said Trixie.

"Relax baby," said Harley. "Papa J and Mama Harley are here with you." Harley smiled. Trixie gave her a worried smile back. There were huge vats of chemicals. The entire room was glowing green. There were stairs leading up to a platform that was above the chemicals. There were at least twenty-two vats of chemicals, eleven on one side, eleven on the other. The Joker walked up the steps and Harley followed. Trixie was scared, but she followed. The Joker walked to the middle chemical vat on the right side. Harley and Trixie met up with him.

"Kiddo, I never got to ask you what was your name was," said Joker.

"I-It's T-Trixie sir," Trixie said terrified.

"Well come here Trixie," said the Joker. Trixie, reluctantly, walked up to the Joker and stood in front of him. "You see this chemical vat," he said. Trixie turned around and looked at the bubbling, green, steaming chemicals. Harley was smiling, showing her pearly whites. "This was the same vat that gave your old man got his charms." He laughed. "Harley I don't know if I told you this or not, but madness is like gravity. All it takes is one...little...PUSH!" The Joker pushed Trixie over the railing. She felt her body fall until she grabbed onto the rails.

"What are you doing?" Trixie cried out. Her hands were getting sweaty and slippery. "Please stop!"

"Kiddo," said the Joker. "I'm doing this because I love you. Just trust me." Then Joker started to laugh. Trixie was sweating from the heat of the chemicals. She tried to hoist herself up, but she couldn't.

Then there was a loud crash. A man dressed like a bat fell form the window above the ceiling and landed on the platform. The suit was made of Kevlar and it was gray. He had a black bat-like cowl. The cowl was also made of Kevlar and it had a black cape made of memory cloth. The seam of the cape was scalloped. The chest of the suit had a insignia of a pure black shape of a bat with it's wing spread out. He had black Kevlar combat gloves. He had two homemade black, metal gauntlets(one on each hand) with spiked blades sticking out. He had Kevlar shin guards, and black combat boots. He had a yellow utility belt on his hips, and black outerwear briefs(also made of Kevlar).

"Batman," said Joker surprised. "Harley I thought you said there wasn't a tracker on the car!"

"There wasn't," Harley exclaimed. "I think."

"Give me the girl," Batman demanded.

"Which girl?" Joker asked. "There are two. Maybe three. Judy, are you a girl?" Trixie began to pull herself up. 

Thank God Batman is here, she thought to herself. These people are crazy! Batman squinted his eyes.

"Oh Bat-brain," he began. "Always got to ruin a good joke." he grabbed Trixie by her hands and began to lift her up. 

I'm gonna live, she thought. A wave of relief fell over her, but then Joker looked at her, and a sinister smile grew on his face. This smile was scarier than Batman himself.

"You know what Bat-lame," he said. "I changed my mind." He immediately let go of Trixie and she began to fall towards the steaming chemicals. 

"NO!" Batman yelled. Trixie had her hand out as if someone invisible was going to catch her. She felt the heat of the chemical get closer and closer. Everything went by in a blur and then it turned green. Was this the end of Trixie? The heat and pain of the chemicals was unlike anything she ever imagined. The pain was so unbearable that she felt herself being torn apart. It was driving her insane. She was losing every bit of herself, slowly becoming someone else. She heard gunfire, laughter, and then she blacked out. After what seemed like an eternal darkness filled with the sound of insane laughter. she began to open her eyes. Joker was standing in front of her. They were both inside the vat, the chemicals gone. Trixie's clothes were all burned and drooping. Thankfully she wore her bra that day. But she felt weird. She felt like there was someone else trapped inside her trying to break free. She felt as if the world was just one big circus now. Anything can happen and it's always fun when it does. 

She looked down at her hands. They were completely white. Then she looked at her legs, her stomach, it was white. She began to look at her hair, it was green like Joker's.

"Now," Joker said. "Introducing the new and improved Trixie." He showed her a compact mirror. She looked at herself. Her skin was completely white, and her hair was completely green. Her blue eyes were no longer blue, they were green like the chemicals she fell in. 

"What happened," she asked. "Why am I like this?" She felt like crying, but not regular sad tears. She felt like crying tears of joy for some odd reason.

"It was all Batman's fault," Joker explained sympathetically. He held out his hands and Trixie took it. He lifted her up on her feet. "He failed to save you. He even ran off scared when you fell. I tried to save you, but it was too late. I had Harley drain the chemicals before you were completely gone. You were lucky enough to survive this." Joker waved his hands  at the wall of the vat.

"So," Trixie began. "It was Batman's fault that I'm like this? Is this even real?" Joker nodded.

"It is real," said Joker. He took off his top hat and put it Trixie's head. "But it's all okay. You can do whatever you want now. You can get away with anything you please. You can get revenge on everyone who hurt you, even Batman. So, what do you say kiddo? What to join me and Harley and make your reality, your future feel like a circus, fun, crazy, insane?" Trixie looked at Joker and she smiled at him and started to laugh her own crazy insane laugh.

Trixster: Joker's Daughter Book 1: Daddy's Lil' MonsterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя