Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(Continue Ebony)

Simone: I have a bad feeling about tonight, he contacted my home and I wasn't there but Vay was hanging out with Cherry oddly enough and he said I'm a dead bitch walking

Ebony: Yeah he called the company earlier and Emily answered told her to tell me the same thing

Simone: What if he's here, I been locked up before and I had the shit beat out of me, people in prison don't like pedophiles or rapist

Ebony: I know but we're going to be okay and if he tries something your sister a cop and remember the family I come from, don't worry about anything, I'll make him disappear

Simone: Do what you have to

Ebony: You look beautiful

I was introducing my new line of prom gowns and Simone looked beautiful. I kissed her cheek and hugged her tight. After that she winked at me before entering the stage and ripping the runway. She doesn't model much but she kills it every time. Once the show was over I went out to talk about my line for a bit as the models stood around on stage. That's when that man got up he screamed liar and I saw he had a gun. I froze and suddenly several shots were fired and I hit the ground. Everyone was running in terror and finally I came out of shock and into reality. I looked down saw lots of blood but I wasn't shot I then look to the side of me and saw Simone lying there lifeless. It then hit me that she shield and knocked me down as the bullets came my way. I started covering up Simone wounds as blood poured out of her. I screamed for help and she was rushed to the hospital. Our families and friends including Jace and some of the seniors from school waited for Simone to get out of surgery. I couldn't stop pasting the entire time.

Mom: Sweetie what's bugging you

Ebony: Before she went out there, she told me she had bad feeling about tonight and I made her get out there when our lead model backed out, what if Simone dies it will be my fault, I made her go out there

Emily grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I held her tight and a little long and I heard Cherry mumble something under her breath. Our moment was disturbed by the doctor coming out and telling us Simone was going to be fine. She took two bullets to the gut and another to the shoulder. But there was going to be no longer term trauma. When I got to the room she opened her arms up to me for a hug. I held her for a minute until I broke our embrace.

Ebony: You risk your life for me

Simone: You my sister from another mister, I'll do anything for you

Ebony: You are so corny

Simone: I'll always have your back

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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