Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I was so hurt by what Cherry did. We haven't talked in a month since she decided not to be friends anymore. I was there four years in life and stopped everyone racist slurs and protected her and she disses me for a new crew. Her roommates seem like creeps especially the dude. She even stopped talking to her parents. She really turned on everyone for people she just met. I poured myself into work and Ebony prompted me to junior designer and editor. I actually get a input on what designs go into the stores and what we advertise and what goes into the magazine. I also work at the front desk sometimes and I'm her assistant as well. She's a really nice boss. But it was Halloween and the rest of my co-workers went to a costume party but I stayed here to get some work done. As I was sitting in the office the storm knocked out the power. There just had to be a storm on the scariest night of the year. I used my cellphone for a flashlight and I gathered up my things and made my way to the stairs. Before I could open the door I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a woman in a bloody dress and I screamed. She started laughing then I realized who it was.

Ebony: Thank you for the laugh

Emily: You really scared me, I thought you left already

Ebony: I needed to put the finishing touches on my costume

Emily: An what are you

Ebony: A zombie bride, come to the party, it will take your mind off things

Emily: I don't have a costume

Ebony: Let's make one

She grabbed my hand and took me into the design room. I ended up going with a sexy firefighter and after getting it ready I got dressed and she did my makeup and hair. Once we were at the venue she offered me a drink she said our little secret and we took our shots. That's when Simone and Vay joined our table. Vay was a maid and Simone was a sexy cop. Her skirt and boots fit her right and after I finished looking at her Vay was giving me a evil look.

Emily: Relax I'm straight

Vay: Yeah whatever

We talked for a while then we all took a bunch of shots and before I knew it I was drunk. Ebony only took two shots because she said she had a meeting tomorrow afternoon. We left around one in the morning and I started to cry before she pulled off.

Ebony: What's wrong

Emily: My parents kicked me out young for being sexually active and my best friend left me for a new crowd and I never had friends in high school besides Cherry. Everyone I care about abandon me

Ebony: Forget them you have me and the rest of the company, we are your best friends forget them

She took me into her arms and I cried in her shoulder. She told me we were friends and I smiled. After that I ran out of her car to puke and then she took me home where I went straight to sleep.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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