chapter 2: the notebook

Start from the beginning


The fight came to an end and she took this cue to run towards him. "Mister, are you okay?"

"Call me 'SuperNathan'-" he suddenly coughes out blood. Marinette just noticed the superhero was battered but she should see the other guy.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed dramatically, placing a hand on her chest. "SuperNathan, you're hurt."

"It's fine." He gave her a heroic smile.


Marinette kept on reading and reading, until...


Marinette smiled back and then placed her hands gently on the either side of his shoulders. "Thank you for saving my life, SuperNathan. What can I do to repay you?"

"Perhaps... a kiss?"

She smiled more, leaning in, making SuperNathan lean in as well. They shared a lovely kiss.

"SuperNathan," she parted away and looked him in his eyes. "I know you're Nathaniel."

"What? I-I'm not-"

"You are. But I still accept you for who you are and that's what matters. So, Nathaniel," she said as she kneeled down with one knee. "Will you marry me?"

SuperNathan gasped. He took a step back and admired the diamond ring and the gesture in front of him. "Oh, Marinette!" He exclaimed in an adoring manner "I-"

A screech from a table occupied the awkward silence. The crowd surrounding Marinette looked at the intruder. It was him...

All of this staring is making him crazy. He just wants to end it all. But first... his gaze fell upon the girl at the center, holding his personal sketch notebook.

He took a look at her face wearing such anger. It doesn't suit her usual cheery persona. This was all his fault. He felt guilt, embarrassment, anxiety, and he just wanted it to all go away.

But he needed to speak now.

He took a small step forward. "M-Marinette, I-"

What she did was something he didn't expect.

She threw his sketch notebook directly at his head. The papers landed on the floor with a plack!


Marinette continued to stare at him with a disapproving look on her face.

He had no choice but to run away. To run away from those judgemental and pity eyes.

It was as if everything was in slow motion, but not in a good way. As he ran through the halls with tears in his eyes, he clutched his hair and all he could think about was how he messed up so badly.


"What should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do-"

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He reached for it and looked at the contact. It was Aiko.

He answered with an exhausted, "Hello?"

"Where have you been?" He heard her voice. "Uh, where are you right now?"

Nathaniel looked around the room. Around him were step ladders, nets, balls, banners, cleaning supplies. "Hey, I want to tell you something." He said to the phone.

"Okay, you can tell them later." Suddenly, he heard her laugh. "That cartoon about Marinette, you drew that, right? Man, this is so great. I love it!"

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