"You're going to need this." Handing the bottle to her, Clem taking one of the glass cups of water and swallowing her pill. "I take it you don't drink much?" He asked.

"Nope. I just turned 21 four months ago. The first time I went drinking was on my birthday with my friends back in Macon. I spent most of my night puking in the toilet." Clem told them, Violet giggling slightly. A blush creeping in on the brunette. Looking back silently to the dreaded boy who gasped.

He was looking at something on his phone, looking horrified a bit. When the short video ended, he looked at everyone at the table. Taking his ear buds out and starting the video over, letting his friends see the header of the news.

"Local children and women reported missing." The newslady said, Clementine looking back up at the freckled boy. A look of confusion and annoyance on hers as he motioned her to look back at the video desperately.

"Names of these people are: Ana Forman, Don Schmidt, Ben Wheeler, Mike Harrison, and Minerva Singer. If anybody sees or knows where these kids and women are, report it immediately." The woman on the phone said. Getting surprised and horrified looks on everyone's faces.

Clementine looked to the terrified expression exchanged from Sophie, Louis and Violet. They shared the same fear in each others eyes. Sophie losing her twin sister, and Violet and Louis losing a close friend.

"Shit." Louis muttered holding his hands over his head. "What the fuck do we do?" He asked raising his voice a bit, shocking the brunette next to him. Her headache dying out, what the fuck happened last night, she asked herself.

Sophie gripped onto Louis, almost gravitating toward the boy. Hugging him while sobbing the loss of her twin. Violet looked off into space, thinking of how things might be different if she stayed last night. Clementine sat there, dumbfoundedly watching the three mourn.

The sad truth of today's society coming out as they sat there. Clementine being spaced out, figuring she could have helped them some way. But instead of comforting them or helping them deal with this easier, she left the group. Walking out the front door as she called in an uber for herself.

She wasn't good with this kind of stuff. She knows that they were hurting and needed everyone to help them. Clementine just sat in the car of the uber driver, thinking of all the possibilities about the missing women and children. It was a messed up thing for someone to do something to those people.

She looked out of her window, watching the trees and houses go by. The wind beginning to pick up, the winter air cold and bitter. There wasn't much for her to do. Just then, her phone goes off. A message from her dad, sliding up to view the message she finds out its not her dad at all.

Lee: hey Clem. It's AJ, what are you doing?

Clem: nothing, why kiddo

AJ: it's dad, he's been gone for way too long and he left his phone with me.

Clem: what do you mean? How long has he been gone for?

AJ: he left soon after he hung up on you yesterday.

Clem: did he say where he was going

AJ: no

Clem: stay there, I'll be home in a couple of hours. Don't open the door for anyone until I get there.

AJ: okay

Clementine saw the apartment buildings and told her driver to pull over. Grabbing her bag and paying the man quickly. Running into her room quickly. Shuffling around her room to find the shiny keys to her car. She looked long and hard, checking every crevice before spotting them. Hanging on the little coat rack near the door.

Forever and Always (violetine AU)Where stories live. Discover now