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This was gonna be longer but goddamnit I just want to update this book I'll probably make a second chapter to this idk yet. didn't spell check because I'm too tired and lazy.

It was a crisp and cool December morning. Your boyfriend, David was peacefully asleep, snoring softly as the wind blew outside the house. You sat near the toilet, throwing up all that you could. You had been throwing up everything that you had been eating for days now, and nothing helped. Your head was cracking with pain, and you didn't want to get up right now, for you were dizzy.

You bit your lip and looked down, trying to recollect yourself. You went to the bathroom cabinet and opened it. You pushed through your period supplies, which you hadn't used in a month, and found a small box.

    '99% Accuracy Guaranteed!'

You pulled the test out of the box and got a glass of water, drinking it right away. A few minutes passed, and you put the test in the glass and waited. It wasn't to long that the test went off, you took it out quickly so David wouldn't hear and looked at the results.

Your eyes widened and you dropped the test on the bathroom floor. You covered your face with your hands and cried. So many thoughts rushed through your head. You weren't even married to David. Your parents were gonna kill you for sure. Their daughter getting pregnant out of wedlock. They'd have you and Dave's head on a silver platter.

But out of all the bad things you were thinking of, the thought of having children with David tickled your heart. You could see him being a father, and a good one too. You smiled and your crying stopped. You took the test out of the glass, and put it in your pocket. You got up and went back to the bedroom.

David was still sleeping. He stirred a bit, and you rubbed his shoulders to wake him up.
    "David..." you cooed softly, at a whispering level. You rubbed his shoulder a bit rougher and kissed his temple.
    "David..." you said firmer, stripping the blankets off his body. His eyes opened wide and he shot up.
    "Wh-what?! What's going on?!" He looked around the room, then calmed down and relaxed.

You sighed and tried to build up as much courage as you could got what you were about to say.
    "David?" You whispered, looking down at the ground.
    "Yes, Love?" He smiled up at you, holding your trembling hand.
    "What if I was p-pregnant, and you were the f-father?" You closed your eyes and inhaled.

He let go of your hand and thought for a moment. He looked around the room and scratched his head.
    "Depends. If I was older and we were married, I'd be very happy." He smiled and laid back down.
    "But David, we're not married and were both very young to be having children." You grabbed his hand as your heart started to race.
    "Well I mean, yeah. But we've only done it once, and that was your first time." He sighed and closed his eyes.
    "David, thats just it. Ive only done it once. With you." A tear flowed down your eyes as you squeezed his hand.
    "Yeah. So?" You rolled your eyes. How could he not get the message? How could he just not know? Were you not making it clearer to him?

You turned his around so he was looking at you straight in the tear-stained eyes.
    "David, I'm pregnant." You showed him the test, and his eyes lit up. His mouth was wide open as he stared at the test. He covered his mouth and got up, hugging you tightly and kissing your cheek over and over again.
    "I'm gonna be a father! I'm gonna have a baby!" He jumped you both up and down and held you close to his bare chest. You both soon cried tears of joy and kissed on another. He rubbed your stomach with his large hand and smiled.

    "Our baby's in there."

We stan a loving a supportive daddy. I'm so tired right now, and I just want David to hold me. Hope everything is going good between all of you.
    - Nordik

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