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I know I wrote one similar to this. But that's rog and that was like so last spring, so I'm writing this new and totally original story!

You woke up early in the morning. You could hear your husband's rough cough and wheezing from right next to you. You looked over as he quickly got out of bed, straight to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. You heard some hacking and more bad coughs.
A few minutes later, David came out and groaned. His arm was around his stomach and he laid down on the bed, his back facing you. You rubbed his bare shoulders and kissed the skin on his back.

You didn't want to wake up this early, but you had to for David. You went downstairs and made him his favorite tea. You came back with the tea, a bucket, and some medicine for him.
You put the bucket on the floor and sat the tea on his nightstand. You put the palm of your hand on his forehead yo check his temperature.
"David, darling. You're burning hot." You said soothingly and caressed his cheek. He groaned some more and curled in a fetal position and winced.
"Everything hurts. My stomach. My throat. My body. My back. Everything."

He turned over so his back faced you again and sobbed. Your heart broke into pieces, like a china doll falling. You wanted to hold his oversized hands in your much smaller ones, but you knew he didn't want to get you sick.
"I made you your favorite tea, Dave. Its always there for you when you need it." You smiled weakly and looked at teacup.
"Thanks, darling. You know me so well." You heard him chuckle and couch. Your smile vanished and a frown appeared.
"Please, take it easy." You said softly got closer to him and rubbed his shoulders.

He turned over on his stomach and winced. You saw his almost pale face and soft expression. You kissed his temple and began to rub his shoulders just the way he loved it. You felt his muscles relax and you heard him sigh in relief.
He smiled softly and enjoyed the feel of your velvety hands on his muscles. Rubbing each knot in his back harshly, soothing them. You went down and rubbed his hips softly. You held his hips the same way he did to yours. You gave them a good squeeze and he moaned softly.

You finished and kissed his forehead.
"Drink your tea and get some sleep. If you throw up, your bucket is right here on the floor." You moved some hair out of his face and smiled at him. He nodded and yawned.

"Daddy?" Your young son stood in the doorway and rubbed his eyelids. He was wearing his favorite dinosaur pajama pants and one of his father's oversized t-shirts.
"Daddy needs to nap, little one. Its quite early to be up, don't you think?" You picked up the young child and took him to Dave.
"Can I sleep with daddy?" Your son said innocently, reaching out to David. You pulled his hand back hesitantly.
"No, Angel. Daddy is sick, and the last thing we need is for you to get sick too." You smiled and kissed his cheek. He frowned and leaned his head on your shoulder.

You smiled at David, who was half asleep. You took your son out of the room and shut the bedroom door. You put him down and kneeled to him.
"How about you draw him a picture and watch cartoons while I make breakfast?" You smiled as his eyes grew large and bright. He ran to his room and giggled along the way, picking out his favorite packs of crayons and colored pencils, along with handfuls of paper. He ran downstairs to the living room and turned on the television. You went to the kitchen, which wasn't far from the living room. You heard cartoons playing as you got out the bread for David's toast, and milk for your son's cereal.

You always made bacon, eggs, and sometimes kippers for David every morning, and let your son eat cereal and sometimes leftover bacon and eggs if there was any left. If David didn't have to go to the studio, he'd teach his son how to play guitar or sing him songs that he wrote, while you read the novel you were currently reading and listened to your favorite Nina Simone records.

You hated to see your own husband the way he was, But there was nothing much you could do, other than make him jellied toast, which you did.

You left your young son downstairs to draw, while you went upstairs and opened the bedroom door.
"David, darling? I made you some toast. It should be easy on your stomach." You went into the bedroom and put the plate of jellied toast on his nightstand, next to the empty teacup. David was wide awake and looking at the ceiling. You could smell something bad coming out of the bucket, but refused to look in it.

David stood up and puckered his lips.
"Kiss me, my beautiful." He smiled softly and looked up at you. You caressed his cheek and kissed his forehead.
"I can't risk being sink, Dave." You kissed his nose. He frowned and scrunched his nose.
"I'll make sure to take care of you, the same way you are right now." He smiled and puckered his lips again. You were hesitant, but quickly pecked his lips and pulled away, rubbing your lips. He hugged you tightly and smiled.
"Thanks a bunch, babe." He buried his head in the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent, signing happily.

"I'm finished!" You heard a joyful voice call out. Your son waved a piece of paper and ran to the bed, jumping in and sitting next to his father.
"Look daddy! I drew you a picture!" He handed Dave a drawing of him playing his black Strat onstage with the other members playing their instruments.
"I was at that show, daddy. I was behind the stage, and it was really loud, but you played all the good songs and I was the first one you hugged, daddy! Your son hugged his father's arm muscle and giggled.
"I remember that show." He chuckled and hugged his son tightly. Your mom senses were freaking out, since your sick husband was hugging your not sick child. But how could you ruin such a perfect moment like this? You just watched and smiled at them and thought to yourself:

'The two most important men in my life'

I fucking love writing these David stories like I love this man way to much. Its not even healthy for me to be loving him this way he's got kids and he's married. Anyways, I hope you liked this story of mine. Plus, I got a lot of ideas and I'm so ready to share them with you.
- Nordik

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