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This stands as the first story I ever completed, even though I didn't publish it. I think I completed this around late October to mid November. Maybe later.

Imagine sleeping peacefully, only to be woken by chills caused by the crisp air conditioning running up your spine. You shiver, pulling the covers over you. You look at the clock with a glimpse of the time. ‪2:18 am‬. You lay back down, only to realize that David wasn't in the bed. You scanned the bed with your arm, moving it side to side.

You frantically paced the hallway, searching every room, except the last one. the most important one. Your son's room.

David, dressed in only extremely baggy pajama pants, holding his child.
Truly heartwarming. David was so gentle and quiet with him, rocking him back and forth. Keeping him quiet and sound asleep. But David looked drained. His knee caps where shaking a bit.

Instead of telling David to go to sleep, you stood there in the doorframe, and watched from a distance. David said sweet nothings which warmed your heart, but displayed odd behavior towards his child. He wouldn't let him down and he wouldn't sit down for anything.

It was only until he started to sing was it actually something to smile over.

"Momma loves her baby
And daddy loves you too
And the sea may look warm to you, babe
And the sky may look blue
Ooooh, babe
Ooooh, baby blue
Ooooh, babe"

"David?" You whispered softly as he looked up from the sleeping infant. David jumped a bit, turning to you in surprise.

David looked terrible.

"Oh H-Hey (y/n), W-What's going O-On?" David mumbled.

"David, You look awful! What are you doing?" You whispered loudly, not trying to disturb the infant. David scratched his head, looking outward as if he was pondering.
"Ohhh, I don't know. Checking on him." David pointed to his son.
You weren't buying it. Not one bit.
"David. How long have you been in here?" David looked confused, shrugging his shoulders.
"An hour" your eyes narrowed as you walked over to the crib, staring right into David's almost dead eyes.
"David, I appreciate you being a good father and a good husband, but you need some sleep. He's doing just fine so please come to bed." David rolled his eyes sleepily.
"Ok, whatever"

David softly laid the child in his crib and walked aimlessly out his son's bedroom and towards your bedroom.

You heard him bump into the frame of the door. You rolled your eyes. You gave you look at the infant before walking down the hall towards your bedroom.

You saw David passed out, covering up more than half of the bed. You laid on your side pulling the covers towards you. You stared at David's sleeping figure, caressing his cold cheek as he dozed off. You smiled and curled up to his chest,  and went back to sleep.

This one is much different because its barely edited from its original draft from last year. I hope you all like these fluffy Davey stories! Love you all, and I hope this made your day better :}
    - Nordik

DAVID GILMOUR IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now