Chapter 5 || Of an Angry Luca and a Shirtless Loony Boy

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Chapter 5 || Of an Angry Luca and a Shirtless Loony Boy
(Not edited)

I sat my butt down on the table behind me and regarded the stack of dishes piled before my eyes. Oh the joys of living with a bachelor. Or more specifically a bachelor without a dishwasher, I mean who doesn't have a dishwasher?

As you have probably already guessed there are a pile of unwashed dishes that have cluttered up the counter, and when I say a pile, I mean a big pile. And you can tell that they have been sitting there for quite some time now, well considering you can smell the mold coming off of some of the dishes. Disgusting I know.

I let out a deep sigh as I pushed myself off the table, I guess this job was for me to complete.

Of course what you may be thinking is 'Hey! Girl with the really strange name, why don't ya just leave them there to annoy Luca?'

Well as much as I am sure it would annoy Luca to a point, it is going to annoy me so much more. I can't stand a mess as big as this kitchen, like I said before, it was plain disgusting.

Finally, after a few more minutes of procrastination and debating to just leave them there to annoy Luca, I got to work on them. Luca's insanity was not worth mine, that's for sure.

When I heard him come in my arms were elbow deep in suds, I turned around and found Jack grabbing a cup of coffee.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. When he looked up at me the first thing that I noticed was that he was missing his usual happy go lucky smile. Instead his lips were set in a straight line, and his eyes weren't crinkled up from his usual smiling facial expression, they looked bored when the glanced over to mine.

Instead of looking like a tall loony boy, he looked like a gloomy little loony boy.

"Uh so about last night" I said, my sentence trailing off.

"what about it?" he replied in a bored tone.

I cleared my throat, "uh never mind, it's nothing. I was just going to apologize for missing it but whatever."

He glanced back at the coffee mug sitting on the counters, and then back up at me, then he proceeded to fill his mug with coffee and look over at me one last time before he left the kitchen "Whatever, it doesn't matter."

I stared after him as he left the kitchen.
Well shit, some how I managed to make the happiest person I know be one of the gloominess. Okay maybe not the most gloomy, I mean I know a lot of gloomy people, artists tended to be on that side of the spectrum.

But still.



I had just finished tidying up the house and was currently surfing the internet- hahaha surfing the internet, that sounded so corny. But anyways I was actually watching Youtube. More specifically watching Superwomen. But you know, you people probably don't want to hear me ramble on about some youtuber. Cause lets face it, it has absolutely nothing to do with this book, and well I am just wasting your time now... yeah, sorry about that.

Really watching youtube was more of a distraction for me. You know that feeling when you do something you latter one regret, or you just know you hurt someone, and you can't fix it, you just know that you have done something wrong. And you get this feeling at the bottom of your stomach like something is about to make you sick, but it never does. And there isn't anything you can do about it, because the damage is already done, and it just ruins your whole entire day, and wow that was a LOT of 'ands'.

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