Chapter 3 || Of Multicultural Families And Evil Plans

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Chapter 3 || Of Multicultural Families And Evil Plans

"Um..." I stared at the family standing in front of me, not in a line, just in one big jumble. I felt like I was at the UN, with all the different nationalities surrounding me. It was pretty interesting.

The little blond kid was dutch, the two that I heard arguing were jamaican, there was a chinese girl, and the mother was muslim. And then of course there was Sammie, and she was Irish, or Scottish, well she was from one of those countries. I mean who could really tell the difference between the two countries? I mean really.

I looked up as the door opened and my jaw dropped, seeing another nationality walk through the door. Although this time it was a hot mexican that was gracing us with his presence, with his black hair and tan skin, the only thing that drew him apart from his obvious spanish heritage was his height. He looked around six foot.

What was with this town and their tall guys?

But anyways back to smexy mexican dude, he was really good looking, which is understandable, I mean he was mexican.

Again. What was with this town and their good looking guys?

Anyways I think I am getting a little sidetracked here. The family all looked completely different, from the colour of their skin to the way that their eyes were shaped, they were an interesting group. But even though their looks were clearly very diverse, they interacted from what I assumed an everyday family would interact with each other.

"That was very inappropriate Taylor, I want you to apologize to your brother this instant!" I saw the mother say, she looked like she was from some country like Iraq or something.

The boy that was the victim of the girl piped up with a "Ya!"

The girl, who I am assuming was Taylor just rolled her eyes "I was only stating the truth, what's so bad about that? I mean at least I'm not lying to his face." She crossed her arms, as if she had just made her case.

"Well Taylor, some truths need to be kept to yourself." Her mom told her.

Suddenly a wicked smile bloomed on the Jamaican girls face "Did you just agree with me, that your son is a stoner?!"

The mother let out an aggravated sigh, "No, now just apologize to your brother, or you're cleaning up supper tonight." she looked down at her leg, where the blond kid that was once on my lap was now clinging to her leg. "Noah, would you please get off my leg. Mommy has a lot of work to get done."

Apparently the kid wasn't so happy about his mother's suggestion, because straight after the sentence left her mouth the kid started wailing.

And then suddenly everything turned into one big ole catastrophe. The two Jamaican kids were in a heated argument now over who had to apologize, there was a three year old screaming with his mother trying to calm him down. Just then Sammie came into the room, yelling at her mother about what Miranda called her 'dog' a rat'. But Sammie coming into the scene altogether just made it ten times worst. Because as soon as Sammie came in, the chinese girl, that so far had just been standing on the sideline decided to go off on her about borrowing a pair of shorts without her permission.

And then there was Miranda, I and the hot Mexican dude that were just standing there, watching the whole thing unravel in front of us.

The only difference between me, and the two siblings, was that I was pretty sure I wore a horrified expression on my face, and Miranda and the Mexican dude wore amused expressions. Was this what an actual family was like?

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