Chapter 2 || Of Alley Ways And Chick Flicks

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Chapter 2 || Of Alley Ways And Chick Flicks

"I'm not so sure about this Clover..." I heard Miranda say behind me as we walked through the hardware store.

I scoffed. "You said you needed more excitement in your life, well I got nothing better to do then bring it. So suck it up. We're doing this."

"Bu-but can't we just start with something a little bit smaller than this? You know start small and work my way up?" She said.

I rolled my eyes "We are doing this the way you learn to swim. jumping in and just doing it." I answered her.

So maybe I was being a little bit mean, forcing her to do this and all. But starting with something small just wouldn't be any fun for me. That just sounded really selfish there... What I really mean is that I just need something to blow off some steam before I go to sleep tonight. It had been a long day. And this was how I blew off steam. Miranda was basically just my ride. But it really was a win win situation. She wanted more excitement, and like I said before, I needed to blow off some steam.

We walked down the aisle together, when we got to the paints section, I looked for the spray paint, spotting it I walked over and grabbed a couple of bottles off the shelf. Grabbing Miranda's arm I pulled her to the front of the store to where we could pay.

I set the cans down, not looking at the cashier, while I searched through my bag for my wallet. when I looked up I was surprised to find the tall loony boy standing there smiling at me with a bruised nose.

I raised an eyebrow at him "Hows that nose treating you?" I asked, waiting for him to bring up the price for the paint.

"Great." Was his simple answer. That was unusual, from what I could tell. I mean I only had a short conversation with the guy, so I guess I couldn't really tell.

He gave me the price for the paint and I paid him cash.

"Well, guess I'll see you around." I said awkwardly, and then i started to walk away. I sort of felt really bad about giving him that broose. Sometimes I really just needed to learn how to control my temper.

"Hey wait!" I heard the tall loony boy yell from behind me. I stopped and turned around as I saw him run up to me.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels a bit before he started to speak "I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime, or something?"

I cocked an eyebrow at him, while at the same time giving him a small smirk, "Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked.

"Uh... maybe?" He said.

I rolled my eyes "It was nice of you to ask tall loony boy, but the answer is no." I stated. I tried to be nice while I did so, kind of as a sorry for bruising his nose. But it was hard, considering I forgot his name and I accidently just called him 'tall loony boy'.

He gave me a deadpanned expression, "My name's Jack." he said. It was very different from his smile that he seemed to wear quite a lot.

"Ok, well sorry, but see me and Miranda gotta get out of here, I'll see you around Jake. Nice talking to you!" I said as I pulled Miranda out the door.

The last thing I heard when I walked out of the hardware store was tall loony boy yelling "My name is Jack!"


"I can't believe you turned down Jack Oakland! He is probably one of the hottest guys that is in this town, not to mention one of the nicest. The boy is a plain sweetheart!" Miranda yelled at me.

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