Chapter 1 || Of Pissed Off Mothers and Tall Loony Boys

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Chapter 1 || Of Pissed Off Mothers And Tall Loony Boys

I sat in the front passenger seat of my mother car. Leaning my head against the headrest; I closed my eyes. They shot back open when I heard my mother's door open.

I looked over at her, she was dressed in a pair of jeans and an old sweater, her black hair was up in a ponytail. You could see just a few stray grey hairs on the side of her head, they were probably caused by me. The door closed with a slam, you could tell she was not happy this morning. I dont blame her though, I mean being woken up by the police was not the nicest thing to face on a saturday morning. But it wasn't my fault that Jarrad spilled the beans. The little shit.

fine it was my fault partially for doing the illegal deed to begin with. But that didn't mean he had to rat me out. Thankfully my mom was dating the chief, so i got off the hook pretty easily, I think. I faced the windshield again, looking out at the police station, who even invented such an awful place. Okay it wasn't totally awful, but why did they have to bring underage teenagers in here for merely creating a bit of art? Adults are always complaining about us not doing anything productive, and we finally do something and they still aren't happy! Man what do they expect from us? We can only do so much.

I take a deep breath and say to my mother "Sorry," I look over at her. Her jaw is tense and she looks like she is about to lose it. I really dont try and make my mom upset. I mean she is one of the best people in my life, she literally gave up everything for me.

I looked back at the police station. And waited.

She still hadn't moved the car from where it was parked, I knew that meant we were going to have a conversation. I gulped waiting for her to speak.

"Here is what is going to happen," my mother started. I looked over at her and saw a grim expression played upon her face. "You are going to pack up your bags, whatever you want from your room, whatever you want from our house. Period. And then we are getting back in this car, and we are driving to Hickson."


You would not have wanted to see the explosion that happened after that sentence left my mother's lips. See me and my mother had quit a good relationship. We had this mutual respect thing going on. Although we didn't see each other all that much because she spent a large majority of her time at work or with her boyfriend Jim, and well I did whatever teenage girls do. From reading books to making art, I was usually pretty busy entertaining myself, not to mention the fact that I had a job to. So I was pretty busy throughout the summer.

Now there is one thing about my mothers life that I just cannot respect, and that comes into the form of a certain police chief named Jim Parker. I know right, such a boring name. See I had this thing where I didn't like him, and he had this thing where he didn't like me. I think we just had this mutual agreement that we didn't like each other. Can you tell how amazing the relationships are with the men in my life?

But anyways. I usually didn't show that much respect for anyone in my life but my mother. But right now I was on the verge of just running away. Because I did not want to go to Hickson. Yes you heard correctly. Hickson. The little rinky dinky town that, My father by chance lived just miles away from. So I am pretty sure that you are probably starting to connect the dots here. And if you handt... then well maybe you're just dumb. Or maybe you're just oblivious. Either way, I was going to live with my Dad.

It was going to be plain disastrous.

I was sitting in my room. On my computer again, I was messaging Jarrod. This was all his fault, he ratted me out just so he could get out. He knew my mom was dating the chief, and he thought I would be fine. But he thought wrong. And now me myself and I was going to the single most boring place in the entire freaking world. Hickson.

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