Prologue || Of Overweight Police Officers And Justifiable Hatred

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Prologue || Of Overweight Police Officers And Justifiable Hatred

Excitement cuorsed through my veins as I sped down the busy sidewalk. Looking behind me I saw Jarrod and then the two overweight cops racing behind me. I laughed out loud at how ridiculous the two police officers looked. I mean you think for their job they would at least be able to run a kilometer without becoming breathless. But we hadn't even been running half that and you could already see they were slowing down. I think they signed up for the wrong job. Oh well at least it worked better in my favor.

I started jogging backwards slightly, smiling sarcastically at the two officers "Maybe y'all should cut back on those donuts; perhaps then you would have a chance of keeping up with us!" I yelled at them. I turned back around and started to sprint down the street. I could see the entrance of Easton Mall coming up. I knew once i got there they would have no chance of catching up with me.

I loved this so much. Not that it happened often. I usually never got caught. But the chase itself was very exhilarating. It was just plain addicting. I mean life would just be boring if you didnt add cop chase or two into your existence.

I dodged more people as I made my way to the entrance of the mall. I looked behind me and saw Jarrod being pinned to the ground by one of the police officers. Curses flew from my mouth at the sight, but I kept on running.

I came up to a set of double doors that led into the mall. I pushed them open and raced to the stairs that led towards the subway. I heard the clapping of my sneakers as I made my way down to the subway. You know at some public places they have stairs that just don't need to be there? I mean you can easily just go two at a time because they are so short and there is little space in between them. You don't know? Okay that's fine. But it annoys the heck out of me.

I stumbled over a couple of stairs. But I kept up my pace. I took the subway pass out of my pocket and swiped it through the card swipe thingy that let me through the gates. Thankfully just as I passed through the subway gate the train came to a screeching halt in front of the platform and I was able to run onto it. Just as the doors closed I saw one of the overweight officers make it down the stairs of the subway. He bent down and lent his hand on his knees while scanning the subway platform. I smirked as I looked out the window at him trying to find me.

This is why I loved my life. I always got away with shit. Well most of the time.


I got home late. I was kind of worried about Jarrod. But he was good with the kind of shit that he was in. Sense it kind of just kept on happening to him. He was very good at talking himself out of situations if you know what I mean. He probably offered to buy the two officers some donuts and coffee. And if that didn't work, well... lets just say he has a lot of other... more persuasive tricks up his sleeve.

Honestly I would be scared to be on opposing sides of him. He was scarier than any Queen Bee or pro wrestler that you ever had met. Plus the fact that he could beat you shitless without breaking a sweat was a slightly disturbing.

He just wasn't someone you would want to cross. But it sure was nice having him as a friend. Once he was your friends he stuck by you. I dont think I have ever heard of Jarrod betraying one of his friends. And for that I feel kind of bad for him getting caught. But I knew he would get out of it. Like I said before, he could get out of anything.

I sighed as I walked into the kitchen. The stove light was on emitting a soft glow on the kitchen. Dropping by bag down onto the the island I walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple from the bottom drawer in the fridge. Bringing it to my mouth i felt the satisfying taste of the cold juicy inside of the apple crunch between my teeth. Heading to my room I swept my bag off the counter and walked down the hall and straight to my bedroom door. I went inside. Dropped my bag once again and went over to my desk where my laptop laid neatly atop my desk.

Picking up my laptop I flopped onto my bed while kicking off my converse. Once it was booted up I checked facebook. I was scrolling down my feed when I got a inbox notification.

Opening it up I saw it was a girl that I met while I had to visit my Dad like five summers ago. See here was the thing. I really didn't like my Dad, lets just say i had this unhealthy hatred for him.

Which in my opinion, was totally justified. But my mother did not take my hatred for my father into account when she sent me there for two weeks while she went on one of her business trips. Long story short, that trip did not end well. Basically to sum it all up, it started with me accidently letting some cows out of their pen, and it ended with me setting the house on fire, by accident of course (note sarcasm) and me being sent home a week early.

It wasn't like he liked me anyways. I mean even from the beginning. It was pretty obvious that he resented me. But honestly I didn't really care, because as you can probably already tell, I didn't like him all that much either.

But anyways back to the facebook message

Miranda: Hey hows it goin???

Me: Meh not too bad... what about u?

Miranda: okay, I guess... life's boring. All i have been doing so far this summer is work, work, work, and more work.

Me: lol that sucks.... u should just come up to Toronto sometime and experience the city life

Miranda: nah, I'm good here, besides i have been up to Toronto before, but the air there just plain stinks.

It was true, on really hot summer days toronto did kind of stink. I quickly replied to her message.

Me: True dat sista. But whatever. It's kind of late so i am going to hit the sack. Ttyl.

After i answered her I logged off my account and shut down my mac. Setting it on the floor by my bed I laid my head down on my pillow, not bothering to get changed into my pj's, I just went to sleep.

I woke up with a loud crash, landing on the floor with a thud. I groaned and opened my eyes to see my mother staring down at me with accusing eyes. Arg what did I do this time? I pushed myself up with my elbows so i could see a little better. Who was standing in my doorway made me gulp.

Man...Shit just got real.


Finally I got the prologue up :D I know I had one up a couple of weeks ago, but for some reason I just hated it. So I decided to re-write it! Yeah that is about it.... I hope y'all enjoyed this prologue, I will have the next chapter up in a couple of days. So yeah... talk to you guys soon!

God Bless


The Unluck CharmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora