The Fight

257 12 21

3rd person POV

"I'd love to go to Beach City this year for my birthday," Connie reasoned with her mom when she walks through the front door.

"Connie, sweetheart, that's just not possible right now," Mrs. Maheswaran says sternly, setting her keys on the table, "right now we're keeping the budget tight to pay off your new car for your birthday, plane tickets are too expensive."

"I could drive my new car to Beach City," Connie says with her eyes lighting up at the idea, "A solo road trip would be cool. Plus I can show off my new car to Steven."

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" Mrs. Maheswaran yells as she pounds her fists on the table causing her keys to fall and Connie to step back, "We are not risking your safety like that! Why would you even think of that? And no you are not going alone to play around with that boy."

"Mom!" Connie said very surprised, "How could you say that? I'm 17, I'm almost an adult."

Mrs. Maheswaran walks over past Connie and towards the kitchen, "This is non-negotiable Connie."

"Mom!" Connie looks at her with tears forming and rage in her eyes.

"Enough Connie!" Mrs. Maheswaran says walking up the stairs with her back turned towards Connie.

"Way to treat me on my birthday!" Connie yells to her mom upstairs, " I'm taking a walk outside."

Connie briskly walks towards the door, opens it, and slams it behind her. She pulls out her phone as she walks and dials a number. It starts to ring and she puts it by her ear.

"Hey Steven," Connie says kind of quietly.

"Hey again birthday girl," Steven says cheerfully.

"Oh it's so nice to hear you voice Steven," Connie's solemn voice has a touch of happiness in it.

"Woah, are you ok?" Steven asks worried.

"Yeah, just a bit drained. I talked to my mom about going to Beach City soon and we got into a fight over it. She was totally unreasonable." Connie crosses the street and heads towards a coffee shop.

"I'm sure that just comes from worry for you,"
Steven says trying to reach out.

"Yeah, I guess," Connie says not wanting to consider that her moms outbreak originated from reason, "But she was still out of line and she just wouldn't listen to me, you know?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, that sucks," Steven responds, "I will miss seeing you for your birthday this year."

"I'll miss it too," Connie walks up to the coffee shop and sits on an outdoor bench. She thinks for a moment, "Hey it's still possible. If you drive up here and with a lot of convincing have my mom let you take me to Beach City. If I don't convince her, I could sneak out with leaving a note."

Steven hesitates for a while, "Connie we can't do that. You'd never be allowed to see me ever again. I can't risk that."

"True," Connie says thoughtfully, "What if we come up with an excuse like there's a mission only I can do. Or something is broken that meant a lot to me or something."

"I can tell you really want to come to Beach City," Steven says, "Make whatever excuse you need and I'll come pick you up."

"Steven you're the best," Connie says delightfully, "Thank you for being willing to do this."

"I just can't wait to see your face again."

Connie blushed so much after hearing that.


Hi readers! Thanks for reading! Click on the photo at the top to read the words on it, Wattpad crops it so you can't see the whole thing. Anyway, have a good day. Please comment any suggestions, questions, or criticism. I would love that. Peace✌️

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