Happy Birthday - Again

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It's just another boring Thursday. I walk down the road closest to the beach in town. It's windy and cloudy and dry. It's Connie's birthday tomorrow, I'll call her. It's hard to believe that three years ago tomorrow we kissed. That was probably the best day of my life, everything since then has been laborious and challenging. I've been drifting from Connie, she has a bunch of new friends in her new town. I've visited a few times and she's visited Beach City a few times too. But each time we haven't known how to act or what to say around each other. We've gotten out of calling every week. I feel forgotten in a way, and I want to make an effort to be in her life but I don't know how. At the end of the year she'll finish high school and go to college. What will happen then?

But I need to focus on now. I'll call her, suggest meeting her and throwing her a 17th birthday extravaganza! Or if she'd prefer, something small, nice, and intimate. Something close circle. I like the idea of her choice, I think she will too.

What is she going to say when she sees me? It's been so long, I have a leaner face and even some facial hair when I let it grow out. What will she think? She might have grown out of me. I doubt she still feels anything for me, I shouldn't bother.


I doubt Steven feels anything for me. I still think of what could've been if I hadn't suggested we wait. I hope I get to see him soon around my birthday, that would be nice. I truly miss him. I truly miss my old life at Beach City. My old house, my old school, my old friends - or should I say, Steven. He was my only friend. He stuck by me even when I was irrational. It was unconditional love. I wish I could say the same about my new friends.

They treat me poorly. They're kind of emotionally abusive and I'm done with it. Everything in my new town is fake. My new house is suburban and plastic-y, it is big though. It's too big, too roomy. It doesn't have the same cozy feeling my old house did. Beach City was flooding with that cozy feeling.


I jump awake with shock.

"Oh my goodness!" I say aloud. The sound echoes in my high roofed house.

I can't believe what I just woke up from. I had a dream that Steven and I were dating for a while, which turned into us falling in love, which turned into us eventually marrying, which turned into us having three gorgeous children. We were together, we were fighting evil. It was glorious. I was happy, genuinely happy.

All of a sudden I get a call from Steven. Oh no, don't be awkward Connie, don't be awkward. Just be yourself. I take in a deep breath, pick up the phone and say: "Hello? Steven? It's so nice to hear from you." I can tell I'm blushing like crazy.

He starts bursting into song. "Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Connie. Happy birthday to you," Then he starts singing faster and more upbeat, "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!"

I laugh, "Oh Steven."


Sorry for the short chapter, I just haven't published in a while. I'm going to try publishing on a regular basis. But thank you to all who have stuck around this much. The views/likes/follows/support are appreciated. Have a good day reader! -Beach City :)

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