Not Everyone can appreciate

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The meeting was cancelled so Lennox and Gypsy caught the next flight back. "Are you okay?" Gypsy inquired cautiously. Lennox assured her she was just fine. Gypsy apologizes for everything that had happened. "You tried to stop it." Lennox tries to reassure Gypsy with a hug. Gypsy loves this.

Gypsy head back to her hotel room upon landing. Her phone starts to ring. It was Evander. He tries to ask about how the show is going, but she reminds him that she cannot talk about the show at all due to contractual obligations. He acknowledges this, and moves right into the topic of Lennox's death. But Gypsy informs him she is just fine despite the news reports. "I know being gone for a while, you're missing me and all... " Gypsy could audibly hear Evander swallow his nerves. "But I am wondering how serious you are about your hall pass?" Gypsy chuckles. "Then it wouldn't be a hall pass now would it? And besides... you know she's married with a kid." "So you've said." Evander groaned. "Besides, I doubt I'm her hall pass." Evander nervously chuckled, "Right... just checking." Gypsy hung up with Evander and immediately got ready for bed. She needed to get to sleep as soon as possible. Lennox was expecting her in the studios bright and early.

First thing in the morning, Gypsy arrived at the studios. Gypsy approached Lennox's dressing room and was about to knock when she heard voices.

"You need to get rid of your assistant." a man's voice could be heard.

"No." Lennox exclaimed defiantly.

"She's impeding this investigation!" The man shouted angrily. "We had a deal Lennox." "And part of that deal is you are supposed to be protecting people from my husband, and that includes me! So far she's done a better job than you and she doesn't even have a clue as to what's really going on." "She has to go!" the man reiterated. "No." "Lennox she is going to ruin everything!" "Then do your job so she doesn't have to. She is by far the best assistant I've ever." "She's constantly staring at you." The man said disgusted. "I think she has a crush. It's rather cute." "It's gross..." the man sneered, "you're like 50 you cougar." "Hey! I get why they are out there. I wished a man would look at me with edacious eyes like she does." "Then you don't want her caught up in your melodrama. Get rid of her! TODAY!" "No." Lennox remained steadfast. Gypsy was googling "Edacious" when the door swung open. She ducked into a nearby closet. She looked down at her phone. Gypsy thought to herself. "Maybe..." Gypsy delved into thought. "No..." Gypsy shook her head. "It'll never happen." Gypsy reemerged when the coast was clear. "There you are!" Lennox found her. "Ready for our big day?" "Big Day?" Gypsy questioned curiously. "Yes... a bunch of press conferences about how I'm still alive." A woman appeared in the doorway. It was Viviette Hawt. "Lennox?" "Viviette." Lennox greeted her flatly. Viviette glared at Gypsy. "Your assistant can't be seen on air." "Oh? Why not?" Viviette's eyes narrow onto Lennox. "She's still under contract of the show." "Okay fine." Lennox didn't argue. "Let's go Gypsy." Gypsy melted, she loves when she says her name.

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