"Awww my poor harry you really are poorly" danielle says as she realises the boy boy probably has gastroenteritis. When harry finished throwing up and having diarrhoea she strips him and carries him to his bedroom and gently wakes liam asking him to clean the bed as she grabs harry some clean clothes and then goes to give the poorly bit a bath.

Harry was a quiet kid, so he let his mommy do everything without complaining. His stomach and belly were hurting a lot though. "Mommy," he whimpered, holding his belly. "Do you have to go again?" she asked, even if she knew Harry wasn't able to tell if he needed to use the toilet. Danielle quickly got the boy out pf the bath and sat him on the toilet and harry exploded into it. Danielle rubbed his tummy and grabbed the bin as harry's face paled.

Liam stripped the bed and put everything in the wash. He then brought the thermometer which he gently placed in harrys ear. When it beeped, Liam sighed deeply. "Fever. Quite high too," he said, "I'm getting meds, and let's hope he won't throw up them too." Danielle nodded and cleaned Harry, putting a new pad on him. "Heard that baby? Daddy is giving you meds, so you'll feel better soon." Harry nodded and held his arms out for a cuddle. Danielle obliged and picked the boy up for a cuddle and carried harry back to her and liam's bed.

Next morning Liam let Danielle and Harry sleep and woke up the other two boys. Louis went to get ready quickly. He was still tired, but he didn't want to complain, just in case Liam told him to not play football anymore if it was too stressful. Liam also decided to take Niall to school, since he didn't want him to be too close to Harry while sick. They got in the car and liam drove louis to school before he dropped Niall at school explaining to them that harry had come down with a stomach bug. LIam then drove to work.

Harry filled his nappy in his sleep and leaked out of it waking danielle up. She sighed and rubbed Harry's tummy and changed him when he was done. She then replaced the towel underneath him with another one. She barely had sat him on the bed when Harry started to throw up violently, barely catching his breath. "You got this really bad," Danielle said. She changed Harry and put a bucket next to them. Then she lay him in bed and started rubbing his tummy. Harry whimpered in pain and he felt hot. Danielle took the boys temperature and it was very high at 39.0.

She knew Harry couldn't handle a cold bath with how often he was having accidents. So she wet a cloth and run it over Harry's overheated body. That made Harry cry. She cuddled the poorly boy and rang her brother in law zayn to come and check harry over. Zayn said he would be over in a few hours during his lunch break.

Meanwhile Liam got a call from school saying that Niall wasn't feeling good. Since he couldn't leave work and Danielle was busy, he called Zayn too. In the end Zayn went to pick Niall and took him home, so he could check Harry too. Danielle was grateful for this as she didn't want to take a poorly Harry out. She hoped Niall wasn't as bad as Harry.

Niall was at school and was sat in the office waiting to be picked up he had thrown up once. The next thing he knew he was sitting there and had a bad accident and it wasn't just wee. Niall was mortified, normally he couldn't control his bladder but he had control over his bowels. He burst into tears. The school nurse comforted Niall and said that his uncle will be here soon when she smelt the problem.

She had some of Harry's clothes, since he was prone to leak from his nappy. So she changed Niall in Harry's clothes and comforted him. She also put one of Harry's nappies on him while he was poorly. Niall didn't even make a complaint at this, he had his arms wrapped round his tummy.

Zayn picked him up, taking him to his car and buckling him. Niall had another accident while they were in the car and he started sobbing, since he was very uncomfortable and his tummy and also his bum were hurting a lot. Niall had also thrown up over his lap. Zayn said soothing words.

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