Harry and Louis fight part 1

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Sorry haven't written on here for ages. Thank you @theonlyone1254 for your idea hope you enjoy it.  There is a second chapter coming. 

Harry's PVO

I was so glad I woke up this morning and felt fine finally. As I had just got over a very nasty stomach bug. Even though I was better yesterday, I still felt very tired and just slept most the day and watched movies with Louis. But today I felt much better and felt up for doing something with Louis. I was so excited to finally be able to get out of the house and enjoy our free time with Lou. I had woken up very lively and decided to get up and have a shower and leave Lou sleeping a bit longer. Once I was showered and dressed, I went back into our bedroom and found Louis still sleeping. I decided to leave him to sleep for a bit longer and go into the kitchen and start making breakfast. While I'm making a fry up, I am thinking of what we can do today on one of our last day of before we have to go back to work. I'm so glad I'm feeling better for our last two days of. I want to be able to enjoy some quality time with Louis with him not taking caring of me, as for the last week I have either been puking my guts up or sitting on the toilet with it coming out the other end. I am grateful I have such a caring husband but now I want to enjoy some quality time together. Once the fry up is cooked I turn the oven of and start serving it. I then put Louis food on a tray to take through to the bedroom. I turn round and start to walk towards the bedroom when I see Louis tiredly shuffle into the lounge. "What you doing up I was going to surprise my gorgeous boyfriend seeing as he took care of me." I said.

"You don't need to, I will always take care of you boobear, thanks but shouldn't you be resting" Louis replied to me.

"I'm feeling better, 100%, and was wondering if you wanted to do something today, how about going to the exhibition that we were both looking forward to."

"Haz can't we just have a day here watching movies, and playing on the PlayStation."

"Come on Lou lets go out and enjoy ourselves before we have to go and work again, come on us both wanted to go to this exhibition. I begged.

"Haz its cold outside, you have only just got better, I don't want you catching something else with your weak immune system lets just stay in today." Louis said.

I couldn't believe what he said, yes I have a weak immune system but I'm bored being stuck inside and really just wanted to do something.

"We don't have to do that, we could do something else, how about bowling, just need to get out the house." I said.

I could see Louis ponder this idea and didn't know what had got into him and this angered me. I just decided to storm out the house at that moment.

End of POV

Louis POV

I just stared at the door not believing what had just happened. I just sighed and couldn't believe I just couldn't tell him the truth, which was that I had woken up with a stomach that morning and wasn't up for doing anything. All I wanted was cuddles in bed with my boobear, but I had just ruined that. I had been semi-awake when Harry had come in and pecked my cheek after he had his shower and he felt so fresh, but because my stomach had hurt I was trying to get back to sleep. I got up after the stomach pain wouldn't go away, and wanted to tell Harry, but didn't and then I just don't know what happened. I suddenly got brought back to the present when the smell of the lovely breakfast haz made me feel nauseous. I sighed and decided to get some water and some paracetamol before going back to bed. I switched the TV on low as I got into bed and watched it. I soon feel back to sleep, after the medicine had kicked in.

End of POV

Meanwhile Harry had stormed out of the house without his coat on, or his phone. He didn't understand why Louis didn't want to go out with him. He thought maybe that he had been a burden while he was ill and that Louis didn't want to be with him anymore. He just started walking; he didn't know where he was going. He ended up walking for a good couple of hours not knowing where he was. He found a quite park and went in and found somewhere to sit, he just sat down and let all his emotions out. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there crying but suddenly he felt his stomach rumble and that was when he realised he made breakfast that morning but ended up walking out the house without eating it. He sighed to himself, and reached into his pocket for his wallet that was when he realised he was too annoyed with Lou that morning to pick up either his wallet or his phone. He just sighed to himself. Some of him wanted to go home and see Lou and find out what had got into him that morning but the other half of him was still annoyed at him. He was bored of just sitting there and decided to walk and find something exciting to do to make Louis Jealous that he didn't come out with him.

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