

"What do you mean crush? Are you insane?" I looked at her like she was the most stupidest person on earth.

She never replied though. She just winked and sent me flying into a ball pit I hadn't noticed when we walked into the haunted house.

"Jasmine, what the hell? Why would you-" I began to yell out but I froze once I felt something grab onto my ankles.

"Jazz, what's that?" I said out quietly.

"What's what?" She replied, with an innocent look on her face.

"Something is holding my ankle and I don't like it" I whimpered, making her laugh but what happened next made her laugh even more.


I let out a shrill scream as I turned around and punched the person in the nose.

"Jesus! Ow! Sunshine, what's wrong with you?" Caleb cried out in pain, with his hands clutching his nose tightly.

I gasped "holy shit Caleb, I'm so sorry! Why did you scare me like that?" I frantically said, before shoving my hands into my pockets to find any spare tissues I could. I curled my hand around one in my pocket and hastily handed it to Caleb, who immediately pressed it against his bleeding nose, making me grimace.

"Angel, what did you do to Caleb?" Jack questioned as he jumped into the ball pit and rushed towards him.

"He came out of nowhere and scared me! What was I supposed to do?" I cried out.

"Maybe you shouldn't have punched him blindly" a voice breathed into my ear.

Once again, I got scared and turned around to punch whoever was behind me.

"Atleast we know you can defend yourself" Sam wheezed out, while hunched over and clutching his stomach. My hands flew to my mouth. 

"I'm so sorry guys. I didn't mean for this to happen" I blurted out before jumping out of the ball pit and doing what I do best.

Running away from my problems.

I could hear Jazz calling me, telling me to stop, but I had already embarrassed myself too much to stay there any longer.

Once I was on the other side of the ground, I found a nearby bench to sit on and just reflect on what had happened in the last 20 minutes.

Sam and I kissed.

Well more like he kissed me and I froze like an idiot and didn't know what to do.

I punched Caleb in the nose, unintentionally.

I also punched Sam in the stomach, unintentionally.

My hands gripped the bench until my knuckles turned white.

What did the kiss mean for me? What did it mean for Sam?

I had so many questions and thoughts just spiralling in my head that I just couldn't answer myself.

Atleast not yet.

My hands went to my pocket to fish out my phone and I turned it on to check the time, only to see missed calls from Jazz, Dylan and Jack.

There were a few messages from Sam.

S: hey where did you go? i'm fine, not hurt at all

S: i'm sorry for freaking you out

S: and for what happened earlier

S: can we clear things up?

I sighed and turned off my phone, before slipping it back into my pocket.

They will all have to wait for me to respond because right now, I didn't know how to feel about anything that had happened.

I needed a clear mind before I faced anyone again.

Or potentially embarrassed myself again.


Heeeeyyyyooooo. This was long overdue wasn't it?

Let me tell you, being in college isn't fun. At all.

I've been trying to make ends meet with my revision and it's just stressful as hell.

I hope you guys are doing good though!

Thank you for everyones votes and comments recently, you guys make my day 🥺

Until next time ❤️

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