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(Y/n) POV:

Let me tell you a story about how my entire life changed.

It all started when I was walking back home. It was dark and I decided to take a shortcut through the alleway. I was walking until I saw a drunk guy talking to a woman.

He obviously didn't understand that the woman wasn't interested. Eventually the guy grabbed the woman's arm, hurting her.

I decided to intervene. I went up to the guy and took his arm off the woman.

The woman quickly left. The man lost his balance and fell. He hit his head and started bleeding.

Aperantly someone called the cops, because they arrived.

But to my surprise the man said I attacked him and told the police to arrest me. The cops did exactly as he said, why? Because the drunk man is apart of the council.

I was arrested.

But instead of going to prison, the headmaster of Beacon showed up.

I didn't know why, but he told me that I could go to prison or go to his academy for 4 years, while on probation.

I did the obvious thing and took the deal. I was on probation, due to that I had to report to a woman named Glynda Goodwitch and I was on a strict curfew.

Beacon started in 6 months.

After I made the deal with Ozpin, I started experienceing strange dreams, that I couldn't quite understand.

A week after I made the deal, I was walking home and noticed a group of guys surrounding a fox Faunus.

Fox Faunus: Please don't hurt me!

Thug 1: Don't tell us what to do, freak!

They began to approach the fox Faunus.

Fox Faunus: Please! Someone help!

Remembering what happened last time I tried to help someone and knowing what would happen if I tried to help her, I tried to walk away.

But I couldn't. I wanted to help, even if I outnumbered and was no match for them.

I was standing there, conflicted and unable to move because of it.

Before the group of thugs got any, time stopped.

???: What are you doing?

A voice spoke to me. I didn't know where it came from and it sounded like monster but I wasn't scared of it for some reason, so I answered.

(Y/n): I don't know. I can't beat them and if I don't do anything that girl is going to get hurt.

???: Then, do something about it..... Or are you simply going to watch?

(Y/n): I don't stand a chance against a group of guys and if I did, I would get into trouble if I fought them.

???: Are you forsaking her to save your self? Death awaits her if you do nothing.

???: Tell me, was saving that woman before, a mistake then?

I think about the woman I helped out against the drunk council man. I thought about what could of happened if I don't help.

(Y/n): No, it wasn't a mistake.

???: Very well.... I have heeded your resolve.

After he said that, my head began to hurt. The pain was horrible. I clenched my head and began grunting in pain.

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