part eighteen

Depuis le début

That's when it hit you. Jungkook was there when you broke down. You remember thinking you would need him when you would break down at the hospital the day you woke up. And he was there. You didn't even have to call him, he just knew.




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When you had calmed down completely, he carried you to his car without a word. While he was driving, you looked out of the window, avoiding his eyes as you were slightly embarrassed because of how he had found you earlier. You could feel him glance at you from time to time but you kept your eyes on the scenery outside.

You ended up thinking back to what he said to comfort you. "It gets easier." You wondered if he used to come to this place when you had just disappeared, when the pain was still fresh and burning. You wondered how it felt to him the days following the night you went missing. You wondered if he had someone to hold him like he held you tonight, telling you it was going to be okay.

You fell asleep in his car soon after because when you woke up, he was carrying you to your bedroom at your parents' house. You could hear their questions as he lay you down in your bed carefully.

"What happened ?" "Why are you here with her ?" "Why isn't she with Hoseok ?"

Despite all their questions, you kept your eyes closed. It felt good to be taken care of like that for once. It was probably not right to let him explain everything to your parents but you were so tired, everything felt so hard, you thought you deserved to rest for once.

He waited to have closed the door to answer your parents' questions, making sure not to speak too loudly to avoid waking you up. Knowing he was still attentive about little things like this made your heart beat faster and you soon fell asleep again, a little more peaceful than before.


The next day, you spent long minutes hiding the hickeys on your neck before going out of your room. Your parents were waiting for you with a serious expression and tried to comfort you as best as they could. It didn't work that much.

They came with you to the police station but couldn't accompany you to get questioned. You spent hours with an officer to explain what happened the night before and to tell your memories of the years you were missing. You said as much as you could remember but there were still some parts you couldn't remember.

They told you they had to look for more proofs to start a trial against Hoseok. You tried to tell them you were sure it was him but they told you there was a procedure to follow. You didn't insist more, knowing it was pointless. You still learnt Hoseok had been questioned all night but denied everything. Obviously.

When you finally got out of the police station, you didn't know how to feel. You were relieved to know Hoseok wasn't free and able to hurt you but you were disappointed because you thought it would finally be over, but it all had to keep going because of a lack of proof.

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