part five

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"Where is she ?!" Jungkook's voice echoed in the room. He started slightly panicking as no one seemed to care. His heart was beating way too fast but he didn't pay it much attention. He felt like he was living his worst nightmare, where you disappeared again just after finally coming back.

He was about to stop the music so everyone could look for you when Taehyung put his hand on his shoulder, calming him down a little.

"Chill Jungkook, what's wrong ?" he said in a low voice, trying not to disturb the others too much.

"Y/N, she was there a few minutes ago and I left and now she isn't there and-" Jungkook let out without taking a breath as he kept looking around him, panicked.

"Calm down, I'm sure she is okay. She probably went to the bathroom or something, no need to freak out," Taehyung said as he patted his best friend's back softly.

"You don't understand, she was with Hoseok. What if he brought her somewhere or he hurt her-"

"Did you say my name ?" Hoseok cut him off and Jungkook turned around instantly. As soon as he saw who was talking to him, he walked towards him, going way too close.

"Where is she ? What did you do ?!" he said between his teeth, trying to contain his anger. Alcohol was clearly affecting him at this moment but he didn't care, all he cared about was your safety.

"W-what ? Who are you talking about ?" Hoseok let out as Jungkook looked straight in his eyes, scaring him.

"Y/N. What did you do to her ?!"

"I-I put her in bed because she was sleepy, she is upstairs."

With that, Jungkook pushed him to the side and without glancing back, walked past him and ran upstairs to find you. He started looking in every room hurriedly, and when he eventually opened a door and you were there, sleeping soundly, he finally calmed down.

He took a deep breath as he looked at you sleeping peacefully and leaned on the frame of the door, a little smile forming on his lips. After a few seconds, he turned around and carefully closed the door, making sure you wouldn't wake up. Seeing you like that had been enough for him to feel a soft feeling of peace invade his whole body.


When you woke up the next morning, your head hurt like hell and you felt horrible. You looked around you, not recognizing the room you were sleeping in. You didn't even remember how you got there.

After a few minutes laying in bed, you slowly got up and made your way to the kitchen. You just took a glass of water as you felt like you would throw up with anything else.

You were drinking alone when someone sat in front of you, a coffee in his hand. It was a guy you didn't know, which surprised you as it was supposed to be a party for you with just your friends. You felt something off about him so you did your best to ignore him, but he obviously was here for you.

"Hi," he said while staring at you intensely. You stared back, wondering if you should call for help as you didn't have any clue on who it could be.

"Hi..." you said hesitantly, glancing at the door to see if anyone was awake. He put his elbows on the table and leaned his chin on his hand while still gazing at you with big eyes.

"How are you Y/N ?"

You stared at him, a shiver running down your spine. You felt really uncomfortable at this point as this guy knew your name and acted creepy for no reason.

"Excuse me but do I know you ?"

"Oh, huh I'm Yoongi. Sorry I forgot to tell you." he scratched his head.

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