part four

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Your friends organized a party to celebrate you being back. You weren't sure if you wanted to go but thinking about drinking and forgetting everything convinced you.

The party was at Sunhi's place so you got ready with her, enjoying the feeling of dressing up and putting make up on for the first time since you came back. As you talked together about who would be there, you started to feel more and more excited. You were a little afraid it would be awkward but Sunhi kept telling you everything would be okay so you just decided to enjoy the ride.


You were waiting for your friends to arrive, gazing through the window, lost in your thoughts. A few of them were already there but you wanted to wait a little before joining them. You were daydreaming when a car stopped in front of the house and a couple started to approach the house slowly. Jungkook and Soyeon.

You froze, staring at them walking to the front door. They were holding hands and you couldn't help but feel jealous seeing them like that. None of them were smiling nor talking though and you felt a little better –maybe things weren't that perfect between them.

When you heard knocks on the door, you ran to open it. You wanted to be the one they would see first. It was childish or stupid maybe considering you felt heartbroken just by looking at them but you didn't think much and opened the door. As soon as he saw you standing there, Jungkook let go of Soyeon's hand quickly as you both stared at each other. You forgot about Soyeon's existence for a second as you contemplated Jungkook's eyes, just like you used to do when he was all yours.

"Hey Y/N... I'm glad to finally meet you," Soyeon said awkwardly, breaking the silence. You turned to look at her before giving her a fake smile.

"I guess I'm glad too." You took a step back to let them in, not looking at Jungkook anymore. You didn't want him to talk to you. They walked past you and he seemed to stop a little as if he wanted to say something, but since you were looking at your feet, he just followed Soyeon who was joining the others.

You closed the door, taking a second to think about them being here. You couldn't believe someone really thought it would be a good idea to invite them. You wouldn't say anything though –you had too much pride to admit you couldn't bare the sight of them together.

After a minute, you joined the others, carefully avoiding being near the couple. You spent the first minutes of being with everyone walking away as soon as Jungkook or Soyeon approached you.

However, at one point of the party, you were in the kitchen making yourself a cocktail when Soyeon entered and immediately closed the door behind her. You didn't even look at her, concentrated on your drink.

"Y/N... I wanted to talk to you," she started, only getting a silence as a response, "Listen, I know things might not be easy for you right now, but I really don't want to hurt you. If I had known you would come back, I would've never tried something with Jungkook."

"Obviously, huh. But everything would be different if we had known I'd be back I guess. I don't hate you, Soyeon, but let me just live in peace. I just want to enjoy my life now that I can so please just stay away from me." You turned to look at her, crossing your arms.

"I-uh, yes obviously you want to enjoy your life. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here." she started to turn away, looking really uncomfortable. You felt a little bad for talking to her like that even though she did nothing to you.

"No, wait. I'm sorry I was a little harsh... It's just... It's difficult for me," you sighed and she gave you a little smile. You looked down at your feet, feeling bad as she seemed so nice to you.

"It's okay, don't worry. I can imagine that being held hostage for three years must be difficult, even more if you can't remember what happened." You looked up at her as your heart missed a beat.

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