part seventeen

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This was the right time. You were going to escape. He had made a mistake and you were finally going to get out of this living nightmare.

When he opened the door to give your food that night, you were waiting with a plank. You didn't quite know how you managed to hit him this hard but it's like all the anger you had accumulated along these three years had been released as you hit his head. He fell to the ground with a groan of pain.

This groan you could recognize between thousands because you had heard it many times, every time you had tried to get out of there. Everytime you had failed.

And today, finally, he didn't stay standing after letting out this groan. You stared at his body a few seconds, and he didn't move. Finally, you had nothing holding you back in there. You left the room you were kept in all day long, you ran down the stairs in a haze, not even looking around you, and once you were on the first floor, you looked for a door. You had only one thought in mind : escape this hell.

After what felt like an eternity, you eventually found the front door. It was open and that's when you started running for your life. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, you could feel your lungs screaming for oxygen, but you kept on running. Your vision was blurry, your body was too weak after years of captivity but you kept on running. Because you knew that if you stopped, he would find you and take you back in this house. He would get mad at you and hit you before locking you in your room again, leaving you alone in the dark.

So you ran, for who knows how long, until your body couldn't take it anymore and you fell unconscious.

You were paralyzed. From the moment you heard Hoseok groan and memories flashed back to your mind, it was like your body had stopped functioning. You were in the apartment of the man who had held you prisoner for years, defenseless and alone.

You thought about Taehyung who sensed something wrong with him from the beginning but you had never listened. If I end up getting killed this night, I'd be the only one to blame, you thought.

However, you weren't going to let him do anything more to you after already taking three years of your life from you. You started to desperately try to come up with a solution but your mind was just filled with panicked memories, empty from anything else.

"Wrong address, good night," Hoseok said and you heard the door close. You were still paralyzed by fear. A second later, he was coming back to you with a smile on his face.

At that moment, something clicked in your mind. Your survival instinct invaded your body and all your muscles relaxed suddenly. You smiled back as he sat next to you, praying that he wouldn't notice how fast your heart was beating.

And when he leaned over you, you couldn't do anything but wait for his lips to touch yours. When he started kissing you, you waited for it to be over, too scared to do anything.

"What's wrong ?" he broke the kiss, feeling you weren't kissing him back. He looked you in the eyes and you could hear your heart beating out of your chest.

"Nothing," you said and it came out as a whisper. "I don't feel so well right now, can I use your bathroom ?" you managed to let out and he frowned but nodded, showing you the way.

How did you manage to say this casually ? Even you didn't know, but what mattered was that you were now locked in his bathroom and you had your phone with you.

"Tell me if you need anything," he said through the door, making you flinch. You wondered if he was listening behind the door, you wondered if he still felt this need to control every one of your doings now that you were under his control again.

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