1. The Translucent Girl

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The thick, enveloping scent of death enshrouds me, wrapping me up so tightly I can barely breathe. I stand alone in the ancient library, the musty smell smothered by the horrible decay. Book fall out of high, high shelves, and pages turn, releasing the dust of a forgotten, unloved object. I hurriedly flap my arms, trying to redirect the odour that is drowning me. I scream, but nobody will hear me. Even if they did, they wouldn't care. I'm supposed to go through this, to endure such extreme pain, all to finally be accepted into the coven that was started by my great-grandmother all those years ago. I tense up, trying to escape the pull of the undead. I know what happens next. I've seen enough witches die from the final step. It's traumatised me. I remember my big sister, when I was about five. Her name was Persephone. I remember seeing her face contort into a scream as she let fear take over her body. I saw her limbs twist and turn in agony. I knew what she was going through.

I close my eyes for a second, breathing in and out. The ghost will appear any moment. I already know who mine's gonna be. Her name's Lisa. Looks about thirteen, noose around her neck. Hard to miss. If she sees me as worthy, she'll be my best friend. I don't think I need to tell you what happens if she doesn't. I pulled her name out of Chapeau de Sorcière de la Mort. The moment I touched that blasted hat I became a necromancer. I wish I was... I don't know... a healer, or an alchemist. Never mind that now, though. I let the stench devour me, and wait for the cold mist. When it comes, I shiver. Not because of the temperature, but because of what I know what's coming. I slowly open my eyes, choking a little as my eyes catch those of the skinny, translucent young girl. She has two mousy braids, and is wearing flared jeans. Or at least, used to be.

"April 14, 1984. That's when they killed me. The bullies." The voice echoes around us. "My name is Lisa Wilson. I've never haunted anyone before, because I'm too scared. Y'know, I would be 35." She looks straight at me. "Who the heck are you?"

"Octavia van Andersen, daughter of Elvira van Andersen. I'll be a member of the Coven of the Courageous Fool, should you choose to join me in my endeavours." I try to sound brave, but I falter. Lisa understands this. She looks me up and down, raising a transparent eyebrow.

"Why should I join you?"

"Because I'll respect you."

"What's in it for you?"

"Well, I get to stay alive. And I'll be a part of the coven," I breathe, closing my eyes, trying to show my bravery. Lisa blows her bangs out of her face. She's not impressed. I'm running out of time.

"I need more than respect, Octopus."

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call you what I bloody well please."

"What do you want then?" I demand, before realising how angry I've made her.

"Y'know, you remind me a lot of myself." She tilts her head.

"In what way?" I'm intrigued.

"You're VERY annoying." Lisa laughs. I do the same, I can't help it. Her laugh sounds like echoey, spooky bells. "Alright, I'll be your ghost. But I'm not a sidekick. I want to make it clear."


"I'm a co-star."

My name is Octavia, and this is the story of the biggest mistake I ever made.

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