Chapter 13

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Speaking: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thoughts: 'Hello.'

Third person POV

It was night where Ruby and Azure with their teams and Qrow their was also another person a young man named Oscar who happens to also be Ozpin who was killed during the Fall of Beacon. How he came back well he was cursed by the gods for failing to stop Salem in the past so every time he 'dies' he is sent to a like minded person and eventually their souls merge and the Ozpin said that the professor they saw was not the first from he had. He also said that clearly it wasn't his last he said that they must stop her now. Then of course the Huntsmen in training asked if he failed what are they supposed to do Ozpin said to start by making sure the relic of knowledge is safe and now we are at the Branwen camp. Weiss was just waking up she was in a cage with Gray but he was already up both were bound a woman came out holding both of their weapons. The two goons that were watching over the two stood up while saying that the woman's name was Vernal

Vernal: "A Schnee and an Ashfell normally we wouldn't deal in trafficking people it's not really worth our time. But with you two it's a a different story."
Weiss: "What do you want?"
Gray: "And it better be worth my time."
Vernal: "Straight to the point I like that."
Weiss: "Your going to ransom me back to my father is that it?"
Vernal: "It's a shame your a Schnee you would probably do quite well around here."
Weiss: "I would never sink to your level."
Gray: "Your a tribe of bandits no one really cares."
Vernal: "Just keep quiet and cooperate and you'll be back in your mansions before you know it."

She turns and walks towards the two goons she stops for a moment to say something.

Vernal: "Don't make this complicated."

Weiss tried to say would will happen when her sister finds out about this and she started to brag about Winter what she didn't know however is that all Atlas forces have been recalled and the borders of Atlas have been closed. All three of the bandits laughed at her because she couldn't be completely informed of all the worlds events. Back with Ruby and the gang.

Nora: "This is perfect! WE were at a dead end but now we can take cute little boy Ozpin to Lionheart and have him set things straight!"
Ozpin: "Please don't call me that."
Qrow: "Yeah were not sure if that's the best idea."
Nora *Upset Nora noises as she goes to a couch and sits down grunting.*
Ren: "But I thought that all the headmaster got their orders from you?"
Ozpin: "That was the intention four lit. I could trust especially in times of reincarnation. But Qrow had told me of your meeting with Leonardo he isn't just behaving strangely but he's also going against orders. I don't want to jump to conclusions but I also don't want to leave anything out no one outside of this room knows I've been put into Oscar."
Qrow: "Play things close to the chest until we get a batter hand."
Ozpin: "Precisely now we have two steps ahead of us the first is enlisting the aid of more Huntsmen."
Ren: "But the Mistral council."
Qrow: "Doesn't own every Huntsmen in the kingdom and I've been here enough times to know where to find some."
Ozpin: "So long as they are trustworthy."
Qrow: "You can trust them to put up a good fight I'll put together a list tonight."
Azure: "How many more can we possibly get?"
Crystal: "We have numbers yes but not everyone has the same skill and pure power level like you do Azure."
Silver: "I'm sure we will be fine anyways what's the next step?"
Ozpin: "Step two is getting all of you into fighting shape."
Ruby: "But we already know hoe to fight."
Ozpin: *points his cane at Ruby.* "You can only fight so long as you have Crescent Rose your still lacking in hand to hand combat."
Ruby: "Well huh yeah."
Ozpin: "Mister Arc! I'm glad to hear that you've improved but I'm sad to say you have yet to unlock your Semblance. All of you still have a ways to go before your ready to pose any real threat against Salem and her forces and though Oscar can give me temporary control he will need to strengthen his body and aura.
Oscar: 'Wait what?!'
Ozpin: "He'll inherit my muscle memory in time but practice will speed it up.
Ruby: "But if Qrow is out looking for Huntsmen who's going to teach us?"
Ozpin: *Showed off a bit* "Well I do believe I was the headmaster of Beacon academy. We have about one mouth before classes resume at Haven if Salem were to plan an attack it would make sense to do it before students return. It's not much time but it's better then nothing just don't expect me to go easy on you."
Azure: "Don't mean to be rude but shouldn't our plans also involve finding Ash?"

Before Ozpin could answer however the time had come for him to stop controlling the body which led to Oscar falling the arm chair he was on also fell with him.

Oscar: "You have got to be kidding me. Also who's Ash?"
Qrow: "So we have three steps now we will talk about that later who knows he might find his way to us."

Back at the Branwen camp the two guys watching over Gray and Weiss were fast asleep Weiss turned away from them and summoned a small version of her knight and then got a smirk on her fact while Gray was watching.

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