Chapter 1

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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thought: 'Hello'

Third person POV

Ash arrived in the meeting hall with all of the other students a few days later he stood next to a chick with blue hair who seemed to be taking glances at him every now and then Ozpin then walked up to the mic.
Ozpin: "I'll keep this brief you have traveled here for a higher education but currently all I see is wasted potential you will learn what you need to do to become true huntsmen and huntresses it is up to you to take the first step that is all."
Glynda: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight tomorrow your initiation begins be ready your dismissed."
Everyone started to head to the ballroom but the blue haired girl stopped Ash.
???: "Hey I'm Crystal I don't mean to be rude but you look a little young to be here."
Ash: "No that's fine I'm actually fifteen and I'm ready for a fight!"
He stuck out his chest with pride.
Crystal: 'Holy crap he's adorable.'"Yeah I'm sure you are come on let's go!"
She then started to drag Ash with her to the ballroom while he just ate a Congo bar everyone looks at them thinking they've known each other for a long time.

-time skip to night-

Ash looked around and saw two girls one blonde another with black hair and red tips trying but failing to talk to another girl with black hair and a bow then a girl with white hair started to yell at then that some people are trying to sleep Ash went over there and tried to stop the fight by giving all of them cookies.
Red tips: "Oh MY GOSH THANK YOU!"
Blonde: "Hey cool."
White: "I guess one couldn't hurt."
Black silently ate her cookie without looking up from her book Ash smiles but before he walked away white stopped him.
White: "You look even younger then Ruby here how in the world did you get in here?"
Ash: "What do you mean I'm fifteen?"
Blonde: "Well I didn't see that one coming."
Ruby: "Well I'm Ruby this is my sister Yang that's Weiss and deon there is Blake."
Blake then blew out the candle then everyone went back to there sleeping bags as Ash went to his next to Crystal.
Crystal: "That was nice of you and good job stopping that fight."
Ash: "Thanks that's nice of you to say by I'm tired I'm going to go."
He didn't finish as he fell asleep Crystal giggles to her self and also fallen asleep.

-time skip to the next day-

Everyone was awakened by a hyperactive ginger singing it's morning Crystal got up slightly irritated and looked over to Ash but he was still asleep she goes over to him and leans down she then gently shakes him awake he sits up and looks around then he yawns causing Crystal to squeal inside that Ash is adorable.
Crystal: "Hey Ash it's time to get up and get ready."
Ash: "Huh it's time already thank you you hhhuuuhhh zzzzzzzzzz."
Crystal: "He fell back to sleep already!"
This time she shakes him harder and we wakes up again and looks around again.
Ash: "Huh is it time to get up again?"
Crystal: "You didn't wake up the first time."
Ash: "Oh my bad I do that sometimes."
Crystal: "It's alright come on."
She helps him up and they walk off and separate and get changed while Ash was getting his combat gear on which others would just see as normal clothes after he closed the door he was pushed into the door hitting his head he looks behind him to see a big guy with a chest plate standing there.
???: "What's a faunus freak doing here?"
Ash: "What do you mean by freak?"
He said that with a question mark above his head the guy seemed to have gotten angry with the question.
???: "I mean you your a freak!"
Ash: "How am I a freak?"
???: "HOW DENSE ARE YOU your a faunus freak!"
Ash started to get some tears in his eyes.
Ash: "W-why are you y-yelling at me?"
???2: "Hey dude back off the kid."
A guy with a sword stood in front of Ash except he was facing the wrong way.
???: "Your facing the wrong way big guy."
???2: "What do you want from me I'm blind?"
???: "How did you get in here then?"
???2: "The same way as you?"
???: "That's not what I meant I'm Cardin Winchester I mean how can you fight when your blind?"
???: "Because I can unless you want a demonstration and I'm Gray Ashfell."
Cardin: "Maybe after the initiation if you even get that far."
Gray: "Why are you messing with the kid?"
Cardin: "He's a faunus a freak."
Gray: "Your not very smart are you? Any kid who could get into Beacon is most likely pretty good."
Cardin: "He's a freak he couldn't do anything anyways."
Ash: "I still don't know what a freak is."
He sniffles about to start crying.
Gray: "H-hey kid calm down."
Ash: "I'm not a kid I'm fifteen!"
Cardin: "No your not."
Ash: "Yes I am you big meanie."
Ash then ran off hiding his face behind his tail he ran to the lockers where all of the weapons were stored and got Lita and Aita while on his way to the cliff he stopped and sat at a bench he tucked his face into his legs and wrapped his tail around his legs and sat there for some time Crystal was walking by with Weiss and Pyrrha she told them she would see them later and walked over to Ash and say next to him.
Ash: "Go away."
Crystal: "That's mean."
Ash slightly lifted his head and looked at Crystal who was smiling but turned into a frown when she saw his face.
Crystal: "Hey what's wrong?"
Ash: "Nothing." He turned his head away from her.
Crystal: "Wrong answer."
She pulled him in for a hug.
Crystal: "Crying means something is wrong you eyes are red did someone hurt you?"
Ash looked up at her and saw genuine concern in her eyes.
Ash: "Some meanie hit me into a locker and called me a freak I asked him what a freak was a-and he yelled at me then a nice guy walked by and helped me but the guy wouldn't leave a-and he didn't believe me when I told him I was fifteen then he yelled at me to shut up a-a-and I ran away."
Crystal: "Oh you poor thing do you know his name so I can kick his butt."
Ash: "No no you don't need to do that you will get in trouble."
Crystal: "And it would be worth it."
Aah: "Huh?!"
Glynda over a speaker: "Will all those taking the initiation please report to the cliff thank you."
Crystal: "Come on let's go."
She pulled him up and took his hand and walked to the cliff standing in the tiles that were there.
Ozpin: "For years you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the emerald forest."
Glynda: "Now I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams well allow us to put an end to your confusion each of you will be given teammates today."
Ruby: "What."whining
Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon do it is in your best interest to be paired with someone you could work well with."
Crystal: "Hey that makes things easy."
Ozpin: "That being said the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years."
Gray: "That's slightly difficult."
Ozpin: "You will be fine after you've partnered up make your way to the northern end of the forest you will meet opposition along the way do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path or you will die."
Crystal: "How does he say that so stoically?"
Ozpin: "You will be monitored and graded during the duration of your initiation but our instructors will not intervene you will find an abounded temple at the end of the path containing several relics each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff we will guard that item as well as your standing and grade you appropriately any questions?"
Blonde: "Uh yeah sir?"
Ozpin: "Good now take your positions."
The blonde guy kept asking questions while but had his last question interrupted by the plate he was standing on send him flying into the air with everyone else now having to come up with a way to land safely in the forest. Ash took out Aita and thought that the hand cannon could slow him down he shot it a few times slowing him down he put Aita away and got Lita out and slammed the flat side in the tree as he landed on the ground with a roll he then walked off like nothing happened. Crystal took out her weapons duel sais that double as desert eagles she shot her guns a few times then stuck a sai into a tree tearing through it and landed in the ground crouched she then walked off to find Ash. Gray was falling through the air wondering how he ended up here he then began to sense around "seeing" that he was bear a tree he took out his sword and slashed every tree branch out of his way then used his sword to slow himself down stopping a few feet above the ground thinking he was only a few inches off the ground he takes his sword out of the tree and falls in his butt he gets up and looks around hopping no one saw that and went on his way. Ash looked around and saw he was starting to get surrounded by a few Beowulf's he sighed and took out a Congo bar he then shot some of them when one swiped its claw at Ash who mostly dodged but his Congo bar got knocked out of his hands and a Beowulf ate it.
Ash: "HOW DARE YOU!!!"
Crystal heard his shout and ran to him only to see a bunch of Beowulf corpses vanishing she also saw his hair go from blood red back to white.
Crystal: "Well you can surly fight."
Ash: "Oh hi Crystal I guess we're partners that's great."
He says this with as big of a smile he can but then slightly frowns.
Ash: "You didn't see any of that did you?"
Crystal: "You kicking butt no not really."
Ash gets his smile back and he walked over to her and grabbed her hand and they both started walking to the temple once they arrived they see the whole group was there along with Gray and another girl with green hair Ash raised his hand not holding Crystal's hand and waved m.
Ash: "Hey guys."
They all look over to him and motion for them to run Ash tilts his head Crystal was to focused on him being adorable but Ash looked behind him and told Crystal to do the same they both saw a death stalker they both ran as fast as they could and were next to everyone in a second.
Gray: "To be fair they tried."
Ruby: "Come on everyone get a piece and let's go."
Gray and Ash picked up whiter kings as the relics were chest pieces and they all started running to the cliff side except Ash who got picked up by Crystal and carried most of the way as Ash was slowing down because he was tired.
Gray: "He says he's not a kid but acts like one."
Crystal: "But that makes him awesome."
Gray: "Your a strange person aren't you?"
Crystal: "Nnoope."
They all took cover near the big ruins at the base of the cliff they stopped as a nevermore.
Magenta hair: "Nora distract it."
Nora: "Got it!"
The nevermore shot feathers at everyone Nora dodges by jumping then rolling then she takes out her grenade launcher and shoots at the nevermore with heart tipped shells they exploded in proximity it gif scared or something and flys away Nora was about to get attacked by the death stalker that escaped its ice prison but was stopped by an x attack from Blake and Ren Weiss came in and used a glyph to get her out of there everyone then started to cross the bridge but the nevermore cane back and took out the bridge. Ruby Yang Weiss Jaune and Nora were on one side while Blake Pyrrha and Ren on the other what where are the other characters oh you mean Ash Crystal Gray and the green haired girl right? They fell down the canyon that was there but they landed on a perch that stopped them from falling really far.
Crystal: "Well That was fun."
Gray: "So where are we?"
Green hair: "I'm Beryl Kara do you two know and where in a canyon."
Ash: "Wait I hear something."
Beryl: "Uh I guess a faunus can be useful."
Crystal: "What do you mean by that?"
Beryl: "Later we got company."
Two death stalkers run out Ash takes a Congo bar and places it in his mouth and takes out Lita and jumps forward and slams his axe into its head cracking its exoskeleton the other one swings its tail at Ash who blocks with Lita but gets knocked back to everyone else.
Crystal: "Dang how much power do you got?"
Beryl: "Later this is going to be a difficult fight."
She takes out a sniper rifle and aims at a cracked part of the first death stalker and fires cracking it even more but not pricing it Gray walked forward and coated his blade in a black aura a death stalker swings one of its claws at him he dodges and swings his sword up cutting the claw off it flys up and the death stalker recoils in pain but the claw hits Ash in the face making flip and lose his Congo bar he looks around to see it on top of the death stalker he hit with his axe but it gets shot fully braking its shell along with destroying the Congo bar Crystal hid her guns and walked behind Beryl.
Beryl: "Oh sorr-."
They all look at him to now have blood red hair and tail with his weapons also turning blood red.
He then jumped up and took out Aita and fired it but a phoenix comes out of the barrel hitting the death stalker causing the beast to burn into nothing he then landed and started dragging his axe toward the other one it swung its last claw at him Ash swung his axe up causing the death stalker to go up on his hind legs he then jumped up and cut the death stalker in half he then started laughing.
Ash: "Was that painful well I HOPE IT WAS HAHAHA!!"
Everyone looked at him slightly disturbed then the blood red vanished leaving Ash back to normal he stopped laughing and looked at everyone.
Ash: "Sorry my semblance is scary."
Gray: "What even happened I didn't see."
Beryl: "You don't see anything he destroyed the death stalkers."
Crystal: "That. Was."
Ash: "Terrifying I know."
Crystal: "Awesome that's an amazing semblance!"
Ash: "Huh?!?"
Beryl: "I mean it was epic."
Gray: "It gave you the power to take down two All be it sealed death stalkers but I'd still an impressive feat."
Ash looked at all of them with tears forming in his eyes.
Ash: sniff"N-no one has e-ever said that to m-me before."
Crystal: "Well they are just dumb come on Ash let's get back up."
He nods and wipes his eyes with his sleeve and they all go back up as they are climbing they see the nevermore being dragged up the cliff side then get decapitated.
Crystal: "That was almost as cool as what Ash did."
Gray: "What?"
Beryl: "Red just took the head of me the nevermore."
Gray: "Epic indeed."
They reached the top and surprised everyone there especially with Ash as he had the brightest smile he could have Crystal had to hold her self back from hugging Ash because of how cute he was she thought everyone then later met at the meeting hall as Ozpin announced the teams.
Ozpin: "Ash Lancelot Crystal Ann Gray Ashfell and Beryl Kara you four retrieved the white king pieces and will be known as team BAGC led by Ash Lancelot."
Ash: "Huh did you even see our fight?"
Ozpin: "Mostly the end and it was amazing."
Ash: "Oh t-thank you sir."
Ozpin: "This is shaping up to be an interesting year."
The new teams now head to their dorms once everyone gets inside the dorm Crystal starts talking.
Crystal: "Alright we need to talk about what happened today."
Ash: "What do you mean?"
Gray: "She most likely means your semblance."
Beryl: "Yes we may be okay with it but can you explain it to us."
Ash sighs: "My semblance is known as bloody berserker when I get angry enough it activates it can be stopped but something needs to calm me down before my hair fully turns red and when it's active it's like someone else takes control of my body."
Crystal: "Okay we are making a system then of codes and what actions to take with each one."
Ash: "Okay good idea."
At the end they came up with this.
White- normal nothings wrong.
Yellow- Risk of activation stop anything bad from happing.
Red- Activation likely five a Congo bar or something else similar to calm down or have Crystal hug him.
Crimson- Can't be stoped evacuate the area.
Ash: "Is crimson really necessary?"
Crystal: "Yes now lets go to sleep."
Beryl: "I agree but Crystal why are you in Ash's bed?"
Crystal: "I get nightmares and I need something adorable to help me."
Gray: "Makes sense to me."
Beryl: "Shut up Gray whatever as long as Ash is okay with it."
Ash: "Muffled."
Crystal: "Of course he's okay with it."
Beryl just sighs and goes to sleep everyone joins falling asleep.

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