Chapter 11

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Speaking: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thoughts: 'Hello.'

Third person POV

(A/N Sorry but I am going to be basically skimming over volume 4 has not much changed from the original beside from the things I will mention.)

After some time Ruby had woken up to Qrow her uncle waking her up he asked her about what happened she explained to him that after she saw Pyrrha die everything went white. She asked about Yang she lost one of her arms Wiess's father took her back home and Blake vanished after going around her house she found Crystal in the living room of her house and she started talking with her.

Ruby: "Hey Crystal."
Crystal: "Hey Ruby your up? Wait no that's a dumb question of course you are it's good to see you up."
Ruby: "Yeah but where's the rest of your team and what happened to team PASA?"
Crystal: "Well we both had a team member disappear and both had one taken by their father can you guess which two?"
Ruby: "I can guess Rusty got Gray but who went missing Ash wouldn't do that he's to kindhearted to leave and Beryl I'm not so sure about though."
Beryl: "Well I'm right here."
Ruby: "What you can't be serious! What happened?"
Crystal: "Ash has more power then any of us realized, but he got controlled by something and ended up hurting me I guess he blamed himself and ran away most likely scared of himself."
Ruby: "That's."
Beryl: "He didn't even leave a note or anything we got him with you then one morning he was just gone with the wind who knows if we will ever see him again."

Ruby tried to come up with something to say but she couldn't think of anything so she decided to change the subject.

Ruby: "What about PASA what happened with them?"
Crystal: "They are helping down at Vale trying to find people doing whatever they can to help."
Ruby: "Oh that's good that they are still around."

A mouth then passed Ruby with Nora, Jaune, and Ren took off with PASA they started travailing out trying to go to Atlas they fist had to cross where the country. Before they could leave Crystal and Beryl joined them in a town Jaune with Pyrrha's remaining weapons and armor decided to upgrade his own, but then they went out to fight a Grimm that was like a rock golem they destroyed the thing and the Grimm that was in the rocks. After they got back to the blacksmith and got Jaune's equipment Ruby laughed at Jaune's bunny sweatshirt after Jaune had his armor back on with his upgraded sword and shield. They began travailing once more forgetting the map but Azure still had his so they didn't get lost from a tree a crow seemed to be watching them. Gray and Weiss were experiencing similar situations their fathers wanted them to give a speech/sing about what had happened at the Fall of Beacon. Both were not happy about it but did it anyways Gray had the help of his brother at least Weiss's brother wasn't much help as usual. Blake was on a boat heading to Managerie her home Sun had joined her though she didn't know till about halfway through the trip they fought a sea dragon Grimm together coming out on top killing the thing. Back with RNJR and PASA they had camped out for the night Crystal was having a dream she was deep in a forest trees so high they blacked out the sun she started walking forward not knowing what else to do and not aware that she was in a dream. After sometime she reached an opening in the trees where the sun was still shining she went into the middle of it and looked around she heard something moving in the bushes she turned her head to look in the direction of the noise she saw a flash of a silver tail. She thinking it was Ash walked in the direction she saw him go after a few minutes later she comes across another clearing and in the middle of it head up with his eyes closed was Ash before Crystal could run to him the ground below her collapsed and she fell into waking up from the dream. She headbutted Silver who was leaning down and about to start waking her up both of them held their head in pain.

Silver: "Ow what was that for?"
Crystal: "Sorry had a weird dream."
Azure: "Yo Silver you good man and you too Crystal you both good?"

Both nod and Azure asked about Crystal's dream she explained to them what happened and once she was done Beryl who was in the trees looked to be in thought she went down with the others. Then they continued on their journey they came across a town that had been destroyed they found a person almost dead before they could try and save him he died. Then they were attacked by a scorpion faunus his faunus trait was a scorpion's tail stinger he also had two blade's that were like a scorpion's claws with machine guns in them he introduced himself as Tyrian. Before he could attack them Qrow appeared in between the two groups blocking Tyrian from going after Ruby then the huntsmen and Tyrian started their fight with Crow telling the two and a half teams to stay back. Qrow and Tyrian were fighting to fast for Ruby to try and help by sniping so all they could do was watch as the two flew around that battlefield clashing weapons Tyrian used his tail to disarm Qrow who then punched Tyrian in the face two times then kicked him then he went to get his weapon while Tyrian was recovering. Qrow placed his hand on his weapon but then jumped on top of it as Tyrian attacked him Qrow partly transformed his weapon and shot Tyrian but he jumped back dodging it. They started fighting on a roof Qrow lead Tyrian into jumping on top of a braking wood plank causing him to fall into the house Qrow tried to jump away but was caught by Tyrian's tail dragging him into the house with him. Qrow went flying out of the side of the house after a minute he threw his sword planting it into the ground then he landed on it sliding on it for a moment before coming to a stop he picked up his blade ready to fight once again. 

Ruby tired to help but the building had a beam from it that started to fall on her Qrow cut it in half saving her they spent a moment looking at each other Tyrian used this moment to cut Qrow with his tail on his side. Ruby placed her scythe over Tyrian's tail and shot cutting his tail off. Tyrian then retreated saying something along the lines of she will forgive you.

Crystal: "Who's she?"
Beryl: "Maybe Cinder? Wither her or someone else we know nothing off."
Azure: "Hey that guy he was like a scorpion right?"
Periwinkle: "Yeah and your point?"
Azure: "Scorpions have poison in their tails so that means."

Qrow then fell over due to the poison they made a makeshift stretcher and started carrying Qrow along with them Ruby and Jaune were holding it though Azure would ask every one in awhile if they needed to switch. After sometime they made it to a destroyed village while they were there a Nuckelavee showed up a large horse with the upper body of a human in the center of the horse while keeping the horse head it also had a number of different weapons in it's back. Ren and Nora seemed to recognize it they hid Qrow behind a building and ran around to fight it Azure had already rendered it unmovable and was being yelled at by Periwinkle for being strange and going in to fight such a dangerous Grimm by himself. Ren went up to it a dagger in his hand the Nucklavee it shirked at him Ren stabbed it killing it.

Azure: "Well it's dead."
Periwinkle: "How can it be dead you didn't deal it a killing blow to it?"
Azure: "Ren stabbed it."
Ren: "This was my village this thing killed everyone here besides me and Nora because of my semblance."
Asuna: "Oh um."

She was interrupted by the sound of a transport ship that was a bit bigger then a bullhead they all boarded it and took off and went towards Haven Ruby was worried they wouldn't make it to Haven to save Qrow, but Jaune told her to look up and the city was there. Ren and Nora held hands and Nora rested her head on his shoulder shippers have intensified this ship ever since. They got Qrow medical treatment and he was fine Ruby checked in with him and wrote a letter.

Meanwhile Weiss was with Gray and they were boarding a ship stowing away in it to make their way probably to Haven. Blake was in her home going through somethings and she picked up a White Fang flag thing it was black with the red logo in the middle of it. Yang was on a ship her motorcycle with her heading after her mother to then get her to Ruby. Jaune was leaning against his bed while sitting on the floor staring at his weapons at Pyrrha's image he saw when looking at his weapons. Ren and Nora came in and sat around him. Weiss and Gray were sitting in the back of the ship they were on looking out the window. Back with Blake she put down the flag she was holding and then lifted another this time it was a blue flag with the old logo of the White Fang on it. Yang arrived at a sigh that pointed to Mistral the other to bandits she then rode off to who knows where.

Sometime later Qrow was in a bar drinking like normal for some reason he was alone in the bar footsteps sounded behind him and someone started talking to him.

???: "Excuse me."

Qrow turned to who was talking to him he found a kid was the one who called him he had dark skin black hair and brown eyes.

Qrow: "You know I don't think they allow kids in here pipsqueak."
???: "Shut up I'm getting there."

Qrow raised an eyebrow at the kid who appeared to be talking to himself.

???: "Uum.. I'm supposed to tell you I'd like my cane back?"

Qrow widened his eyes and then nodded he got up and the kid back up a bit he then gabbed Ospin's cane from his belt.

Qrow: "It's good to see you again Os."

He then tossed the cane to the kid who grabbed the handle and the cane part came out of it and the kid looked at Qrow.

In a heavily wooded area much like what was in Crystals dream a large pack of wolfs were gathered they were around a rock looking up at it as if they were waiting for something. After a minute of zooming to the top of the rock a pair of ears show up then a darkened figure hops up on top of the rock it then looks behind it at the camera with it's silver eyes then with a focused view it's Ash then everything turns to black.

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