Explain chp 3.

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"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him"

Two days later3pmDave POV__________________________

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Two days later
Dave POV

" Are you coming over today Davey? I'm cooking your favorite and your dad just left to go get Kairi." My mother said.

"Ma I might come over later but Kacey the friend I told you about is having a get together today"

"You better apologize to that girl and make things right I know you like her" my mother said and I could practically see her smile through the phone.

"Okay ma I gotcha, I gotta go though I need to get dressed". I grabbed my pants out the closet.

"Alright baby I will talk to you later" she said. Once we hung up I took a shower and got dressed.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants from nervousness. Nick mentioned Kacey's get together yesterday not knowing she wasn't speaking to me.

I knew I needed to apologize cause Kacey was a cool person to hang around and I enjoyed having her company. I planned on keeping it too. Vanessa isn't my girlfriend though she's just my baby mother but she threatened to take Kairi if I left her so here we are.

The look on Kacey's face when Vanessa introduced herself as a my girlfriend hurt my feelings more than hers prolly were.

I sent her some roses earlier and now I was on the way to her house.

Kacey POV
Her house
1 hour later


"Stop running around my house" I yelled to Nick's kids. "Aye y'all heard auntie cece?" He asked them with a mug on his face once he seen they weren't paying me any attention.

They immediately stopped once they heard their fathers voice and preceded to walk to the movie room I set up for the kids. "Bad ass kids" Nick grumbled under his voice making us adults laugh.

I was having a get together cause I haven't seen my family in a minute so everyone was at my house. My mother, Joy, Nick, and some of my co workers were here along with nick's friends. It was a chill atmosphere and for me it was helping me forget about Dave.

"Oh yeah let's go rams" scooter, Nick's friend said. Scooter has had a crush on me since we were kids but he never acted on it because he said he wasn't good for me. Of course I didn't agree with that but he didn't want to go back on his word.

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