Chapter fifty one

Start from the beginning

"We're putting up rails around the board walk, the governor is planning to have an opening ceremony in August, their going to be having some wild life rescue and university bio kids coming in from the next town" he continued. "Something about ecological study. Supposed to put the town in the map again"

I groaned. More people during the other eight months of the year. Sally let out a light laughter and I smiled a little.

"What's wrong sally?" I asked. " the wines not good? "

The old lady looked up surprised but only shook her head pushing away her chair before quickly confiscating our empty plates. I wasn't the only one in no mood for conversation.

"Think you could spare some time to help? Kenzy can come along too"

I'm sure she would have been excited, if only I could talk to her about it. Leaving the house I attempted once again to talk to her and like before she didn't take my calls. If she was avoiding me, she'd probably not come even if I invited her, but I probably could use it as leverage to talk to her. I'll probably try that tomorrow.

"Andrew" I looked up as Sally returned with a plate filled with blueberry pie. "Where's gale? I thought you'd both come tonight is everything alright?" She asked standing by my side looking concerned.

" she's probably tired sally, you can see her in the morning " answered her husband.

Sally huffed positioning her rolled fist to her sides ignoring her husband. "I do recall asking Andrew the question, not you"

I held up my hand hoping to stop them from arguing.
"She's fine" I think.

"So where is she?"

" maybe sleeping, unlike the rest of us"

She gave her husband a searing look while he ignored her picking at his our before turning back to me. "You haven't been looking well these past few days dear" she placed a calm hand on my shoulder and I let out a deep sigh. Should I tell them? They had a right to know, Sally loved Gale as well. They did all their gardening together, exchanging recipes when we first moved here. I just hope mine of the garden homes were actually hers.

"I'm fine, working hard as usual" I said placing a fitful into my mouth hoping she'd be satisfied with my answer.

"Yes but-" Sally started again but her husband clearly disturbed by her persistent questions cut her off again.

"For the love of peace sally, sit down and stop pestering him about the woman, it's clear their both fine" he said placing down his foot. " if it makes you feel better, I spoke with her the other day"

Mrs. Henderson walked back musing to herself. "No it doesn't help. I haven't seen her, Andrew is not well" she eyes me suspiciously. "I don't believe you one but that you're alright, either of you"

I sighed. I honestly thought I'd leave tonight unscaved.

"You're right" I admitted. "But....we're Not together any more"

Mr. Henderson coughed heavily, sputtering, his glass falling to the table with a large thud. We both stop talking for a while trying to gage if he was okay. He tossed his glasses into the table, writing at his face then at the wine that was spilt along the surface of his shirt.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" he responded and I finally heard his wife breathe again. "I saw you two, two days ago, going into the truck. I thought you were taking some time together"

I laughed lightly. Some time yes, but not together. "I took her home"

"But your house is her home andrew"

I shook my head. "No, not anymore"

" I'm not understanding. She only got here, why, what's going on?"

I wasn't in the mood to get into the history of everything. They weren't clueless to our situation, but I should've known I couldn't fool them with our charade. She might've however, when she talked with Henry, but Sally wasn't as easily fooled.

"We grew apart really that's what it came down to"

"Oh my god!" Sally got up walking around pacing in shock and disbelief . Her husband's eyes followed her for a while before he moved to his drink again and everything went back to the way it was. It hurt like hell saying it out aloud-that we grew apart. It was a lie really, she left for someone else. But there was no other way I could've out it. Gale's relationship was very strong with the two elderly people that were in this room, the fact that it rocked Sally this much, if I had gone into details the amount of hurt caused would be incomprehensible.

She walked back to her husband staring at him for a while bore smoothing the wrinkles of his shirt.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that andrew" she said finally, she straightened standing straight as if a few minutes ago she hasn't been robbed of words. "But you'll be fine, you're handsome"

"Sally" groaned her husband.

"Shh" she said reprimanding him. "You have kenzy"

This time I was the one that coughed. "Pardon?"

" I mean as a friend andrew, she seems nice enough"

"Right, right" I answered.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?

" No, I'm fine thanks, I'm literally a stone's throw away"

"I know the house gets lonely sometimes, you can invite her over" I looked up at her again. "As company" she added meeting my gaze.

My gut tightened thinking of Ziploc being in my house again, oddly the thought warmed me, I enjoyed our easy conversation at breakfast and even the small trading after she got soaked by the twins but in the most of that there was also a feeling a fear that surrounded me. I could no longer deny the fact that I liked her but even that didn't stop my fury at Gale from being hurled in her direction. I hurt her and in someway, I created the fact that maybe she wouldn't give me the chance of redeeming myself. It was easy really to get comfortable with her company. She was the only woman I've met in a while that didn't seem to want to involve themselves with me sexually. No I wasn't even worth her friendship.

"I'm grown mother" I replied getting up and taking the plates to the kitchen helping her to clear the table. "I'll be fine and I'm sure she's busy likewise".

Author's notes: still a working progress guys.

Okayyyy. Finally. Was experiencing some writers block for Andrew's section. Phew😅

Hope you guys enjoy the read.

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