The One Where Jughead Almost Died

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"Okay, time to watch Jughead's near-death experience!" Alex said nervously laughing. Then, the video started.

Jughead: I'll never stop loving you. 

Betty: What're you saying, Jug? Where are you? 

Archie: Where is he? 

Jughead: I'll see you soon.

Woody: Well that doesn't sound good.

[Scene change] 

Penny: The sacrificial lamb arrives. 

Agnes: Neither does that.

Jughead: I'll remind you of the deal that I made with your boss, Hiram Lodge. I hand myself over to you tonight, and there's no bloodshed tomorrow. 

Penny: Apparently, getting you outta the picture is more important to him than an all-out serpent annihilation. 

Jughead: 30 to 1? Are you that afraid of me? 

Zack: Don't sound so cocky.

Ghoulie: The only scary thing is what we're gonna do to your girlfriend when we find her. 

[Jughead punches the ghoulie. The ghoulies then attack him] 

Penny: You're a true hero, Jughead! Let your dying thought be that your sacrifice was for nothing. And that, come morning, Riverdale as you know it will cease to exist. 

FP: She's a bitch.

[The ghoulies keep attacking him] 

Penny: Don't finish him off yet, guys! I want my pound of flesh first. 

FP: Did I mention she's a bitch?

[Scene change] 

FP: Betty, are you and your mom okay? 

Betty: Mr. Jones, is Jughead with you? 

FP: No. He's at the trailer, why? 

Betty: I'm just really worried about him. He called to say how much he loves me and it almost sounded like he was saying goodbye. For good. 

FP: Toni. Where was Penny hiding out? 

[Scene change]

FP: Jug?!

[Scene change] 

Hiram: Sherriff Mannetta moved the bodies to the coroner's office, tagged them as riot victims. So, no one's gonna be asking us any questions. I am so sorry. I just thank God that neither one of you were hurt. 

Veronica: I found your "October Surprise" file. 

Hiram: Well, your mother understands the costs of winning better than almost anyone. Isn't that right, mi amor? 

Veronica: I realized something. There will always be an "October Surprise" with you. And another, and another. But while Mom may volunteer to be your collateral damage, I won't. 

Hiram: What'd I always teach you? Never lose sight of the bigger picture. 

Veronica: I'm not the one who's lost sight, Daddy. 

[Scene change] 

Betty: Where is he? Where's Jug? 

Archie: Guys. 

[FP walks out of the woods carrying a bloodied Jughead] 

Tipton crew: Oh my god...

Betty: J-Jug... 


"So... that was that," Alex said, breaking the awkward silence.

"And I'm fine now," Jughead said. The Tipton crew just looked at him like he was insane.

"Okay, before people start screaming--" Alex was cut off.

"You are not fine, Cody! You almost died!" Carey screamed.

"Well I'm alive, aren't I?" Jughead said. "And it's Jughead. Not. Cody."

"I'm going to start the next video now!" Alex yelled over the bickering pair.


Hey guys! So, I know that it's been a hot sec since I last updated, but I have a good reason.

I had finals last week, and I was busy for the entire month of December with studying, and for the month before that, I was getting a ton of homework and any time I was free I was trying to work on my stories. 

I'm sorry it took so long!!!

And I'm sorry this chapter is so short!!!

So, with that, a few announcements.

1) So, next week I won't be near my computer that much. Why? I'm going to be out of state for about three days because my cousin is getting married. So, I will try to get a chapter out on New Years'.

2) Basically, the entire month of January is hectic for me. I will be starting school back up on the seventh (?) and in January the crew for my school's musical starts. I'm on crew, and we are really going to be working hard all through February. I'm sorry, but it will be hard for me to get out long chapters.

So, with that, have a good one.

I'll see you in the next one!


Different ~ (Suite Life on Deck/Riverdale crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant