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"I'm just gonna bring in some... people." Alex threw a container of hand sanitizer at Jughead. "You might want that." Alex snapped her fingers and Zack and Jughead both paled a bit. Then, the groups watched as two young boys appeared, fighting like usual. Except, one of the boys had bright red hair. Other than that, they looked identical. They were fighting over who knows what, but they stopped when they saw that they were no longer in their room at the Tipton hotel.

When the groups saw the young boys faces, most people laughed, but three people groaned. Those people being Moseby, Carey, and Kurt. Everyone else laughed, other than Jughead. Jughead looked over at his friends, who were dying of laughter, practically rolling around on the floor.

"Are you guys seriously laughing at this right now? Don't we have better things to do, like, oh I don't know, finding out who the Black Hood is?" Jughead said, trying to get everyone serious again. Most of the Riverdale gang sobered up, except for Cheryl.

"Is that you?" Cheryl asked between laughs. Jughead nodded. "Why is your hair bright red?!"

"I don't know, Cheryl! Just calm down!" Jughead yelled, successfully getting her to shut up.

"Okay, before Jughead screams again, the two small people that just got here, introduce yourselves." Alex stayed, putting the attention on the two terrified boys. The short blonde boy looked offended.

"I am not small! Him in the other hand, he's a stick. I'm Zack." Everyone from Riverdale burst out laughing, but the small Red headed boy and Jughead. Those two looked offended. Then, they both screamed at the Zack from their two different presents.

"I am NOT a stick Zack!" The red head said it, and little Zack burst out laughing, while, when Jughead said it, grown up Zack (I'm just gonna call him Zack and the other one little Zack) looked scared. The small red headed boy looked at Jughead confused at why he called the older man Zack, and why he was offended when little Zack called himself a stick.

"Why do you look like me?" The small red head asked Jughead. Jughead looked him straight in the eyes and he was about to say something, when Alex interrupted.

"Cody, this is Jughead, or you from the future." Alex grabbed the hand sanitizer from Jughead and handed it to Cody. "Your gonna want this. Little Zack, this is Zack, or you from the future." Alex stared at the two gaping boys. "Why don't you two sit down." Little Zack and Cody sat down, and the next video started.

Different ~ (Suite Life on Deck/Riverdale crossover)Where stories live. Discover now